Job–The Notable Podcast
For one long, cold season of cross country back in 2002 I had the privilege of running in the fast, fleet footsteps of twin brothers Tim and Jon Bourman, the lead distance runners of the Martin Luther College Knights.
Even in those formative years Tim and Jon were gifted leaders. They inspired others to dig deeper and work harder both on the course and in the classroom. When I did keep up with them, (which was only in practice) they were incredible guys to converse with. I felt blessed just to be there hearing their Texan drawls as they encouraged, engaged, and inspired.
This past Wednesday morning for the first time in 15 years, I again went on a run with Tim and Jon. This time I could hear their voices clearly the whole time. I put in my earbuds and listened to their eloquent words through the latest episode of The Notable Podcast.

In season five, Tim and Jon take us on a meaningful journey through the often misunderstood and/or misapplied Book of Job. With great knowledge and depth of insight (they have done their homework), the brothers show that the story of Job is so much bigger and far more glorious and grace-filled than we have ever imagined. Yes, there is, contained within the book, Theodicy (a theology of suffering). But there is also at its center, Christology, a theology of Christ, including the resurrection.
I don’t know how long the journey through Job will be, or at what pace they will lead us, but I am once again eager to keep up every step of the way. This time, though, I might rest the running shoes and sit down with an open Bible.
I encourage you to join us on this journey and follow The Notable Podcast on your favorite platform. Then tune in with me each week as Jon and Tim do what they do so well and lead the way. Journey with them through the tragedy and trials of Job, and the testimony of God in the midst of it all.
We’ve got about a million reasons why you’ll want to take this journey with us. We’re just like newborn babies opening our eyes to the book of Job.
Tim and Jon BourmanLight will flood in. Listen in!