“Just Because You’re Mine” by Sally Lloyd-Jones is a really good book
Not many children’s books make me tear up, but so far this one has gotten me each time I’ve read it. Granted, I’m a bit overtired and I usually read to my kids at the end of the day when I am most susceptible to emotional exuberance, but the point is THIS IS A REALLY GREAT BOOK!
Just Because You’re Mine is written by Christian author Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Frank Endersby. The book is about a little squirrel and his day with his squirrel father. The little squirrel spends the whole day showing off for his father. After each performance he ask his father if his achievements are the reason why his father loves him. “Do you love me because I’m good at finding berries? Do you love me because I am strong and can do such high climbing?” After each performance the father says, “No, that’s not why I love you.” At the end of the book, Father squirrel tucks his little boy into bed and tells him why he loves him. He says, (SPOILER ALERT!) “I love you just because you’re mine.”
Sorry, now that I’ve told you the ending, you probably won’t cry when you read this wonderfully mushy tale, but I also wouldn’t be able to finish writing the post without mentioning the ending.
It was especially interesting reading this book with my 3-year-old. Each time the squirrel preformed for his dad, she thought that, “Yes, this was indeed the reason that the daddy squirrel loved the little squirrel.” I decided to ask her why her daddy loved her. She had similar answers to little squirrel: because she was amazing, because she was cute, because she was fast. I said to her, “What if you weren’t amazing, or cute or fast? Would daddy still love you?” I was thrilled that she knew the answer was, “Yes, Daddy would still love me.” At the end of the book she understood that Daddy loves her because she is his. She is his daughter and Daddy would love her no matter what.
Now, the best part was how easy it was to make this application to my child’s relationship with God. “Does God love you because you are amazing? Does God love you because you are cute? Does God love you because you are fast? God loves you all the time! Even when you aren’t amazing, or cute or fast! He loves you because you are his! You are his daughter too and nothing can make him stop loving you!”
And parents, why should we be left out of the application? Do you ever feel like that little squirrel? Bustling around performing for God because we subconsciously think he will love us more if we do more or try harder? Does God love you because you are a great Mother/Father? Does God love you because you remember to read daily devotions to your family? Does God love you because you are such a great witness for his Kingdom? No! (Good thing too since you and I know we are huge FAILURES at all of these things.) God loves you because you are his and nothing will ever make him love you less! That unending love is what prompted your father God to send you his son so that through faith in him you too might be called children of God, his son, his daughter, HIS!
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1)”

Luke Tembreull
Another of Lloyd-Jones’ books, “The Jesus Story Book Bible” is a favorite in our house. Although her descriptions of the sacraments are unfortunate, her lively telling of Bible history and how it all points to Jesus, God’s plan to save us, is truly delightful. I am not surprised you enjoyed another book of hers, and I will be adding this one to my wishlist. I also would not be surprised if she had this connection to God in mind when she wrote it. Thanks for your review, Molly, one hypocrite to another.
Molly Parsons
We have “The Jesus Story Book Bible” too and I agree it is great! I have learned a lot about connecting all the stories of the Bible to Jesus from her writings.
We are also enjoying her sense of humor some of her other children’s books like “How to Get a Job By Me” and “How to Get Married By Me the Bride.”
Thank you for telling us the truth. Jesus couldn’t love us any more or less than He already does. We are his and he is ours. Finished. You said that so beautifully. I looked for that book at Liberate, but all the copies were sold. Great!
Molly Parsons
Mark says he bought the last copy and then he let out an evil laugh. Lucky for you it is sold for cheaper on Amazon.