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Verses for the King from Genesis 2


Here is a poem based on another key chapter of the Bible: Genesis 2:4-25 Feel free to read the passage along with the poem. Use it for devotion, reflection and meditation on these great truths from our great and loving God!

This is the account so truthfully stated
Of the heavens and earth when they were created.
When the Lord God made the heavens above
And the earth below in his marvelous love—
No shrub of the field had come to the light
No plant of the field had sprung into sight
For the Lord had not yet sent rain down
And no man existed to work up the ground.
But streams flowed up from the earth below
And watered the surface to make life grow.

This is how it was when the Lord formed man
The creatures at the center of his marvelous plan
He formed the man from the dust of the ground
Artfully arranging him and shaping him around
Molding each feature from finger to hair
With masterful skill and incredible care
And he leaned in close when his work was right
God’s own breath filled clay with life and light!

The Lord God had planted a garden grand
In the east, named Eden, where he placed the man.
There God grew marvelous, beautiful trees
Bearing fine food, man’s needs to appease.
In the middle of the garden God caused to grow
Two special trees that are important to know:
The first, the tree of life that gave life eternal
The second, the tree for knowing of good and of evil.

A river watered Eden then divided in four streams:
The Pishon through Havilah where good gold gleams
And also fragrant resin and onyx are found there
Rich resources from God in his providential care.
The Gihon through Cush is the second great river.
The third, the Tigress, runs through eastern Asshur.
The fourth is the Euphrates flowing mighty and grand.
These four are the rivers that flow through that land.

The Lord God put the man in the garden he made
To work it and tend it and live in its shade.
And the Lord gave the man a command to obey
To worship his God and show thanks in this way:
“You may freely eat food from this garden’s trees,
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But you must not eat fruit from one tree for me
The fruit from the Knowing of Good and Evil Tree
For when you eat of its fruit you shall surely die
And so, for your good, this fruit, I deny.”

Then the Lord God said, concern in his tone:
“It is not good that the man is alone!
I will make him a helper that suits him just right,
A companion to cherish and share his delight.”
Now the Lord God had already formed from the ground
Every beast in the field, every bird, flying ‘round.
He brought each to the man, one by one, just to see
What name the man called—and that name it would be.
So the man gave a name for each creature God brought
The livestock, the birds and the beasts—the whole lot!

But for Adam, no helper that fit could be found
No creature that flew or that traveled the ground
So the Lord caused a sleep to come over the man
A deep sleep that prepared him for God’s perfect plan.
And while he was sleeping God made an incision
He took out one rib and healed the place with precision.
Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he removed
And he brought her to the man to be cherished and loved.

And the man sang a song, filled with thankful delight
His companion, his helper, his beloved in his sight:
“This beautiful creature’s now bone of my bones
She’s flesh of my flesh and now I’m not alone!
She shall be called ‘woman’—her appropriate name,
For, by God, out of man this companion came.”

For this reason a man will leave father and mother
Be joined to his wife and for life he will love her
These two separate beings as one flesh unite
And all this is pleasing in God’s perfect sight.

The man and his wife were both naked and free
And they did not feel shame, as God meant it to be.

HT: All images from Jim Padgett.

My name is Adam Nitz. I was trained as a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Pastor and was privileged to serve a congregation in Michigan for three years. After much wrestling in prayer and evaluating personal and family considerations I resigned my call. Part of the new direction my life has taken includes creative writing. I’ve always loved to write. Growing up I filled notebooks with poetry and reflections on life, faith, people and God. I just recently published a novel. I took a real person mentioned briefly in the Bible and imagined what his life's journey may have been like. If you’d like to follow my journey as an author feel free to check out my other blog at Please check out my book: I Was There When the Giant Fell at or search the title on I pray that God will use all these writings to bring more people into closer contact with his saving truth--his mighty Word and that hearts and lives are changed by God’s boundless message of grace.

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