Star Wars,  Tim Redfield

Vader’s Redemption

Darth Vader – the name causes fear in the heart of a Rebel soldier. Darth Vader had mercilessly cut down many of the rebels who stole the plans for the Death Star. Darth Vader pursued Han, Leia, Chewie, and C-3PO from Hoth to Bespin. He captured them, had Han frozen in carbonite, and cut off Luke’s hand. The path to victory for the Rebellion would seem to be that they had to kill Darth Vader.

Is it Possible?

But that is not Luke’s focus. Luke wants to redeem his father from the Dark Side. Through the Force, Luke can feel that Vader isn’t completely evil. There is a little bit of good left in him. No one else thinks it is possible. Yoda, Obi Wan, and Leia all think it is impossible to turn Vader back to the Light.

Luke and Vader talk about the Light and Dark when they first meet in Return of the Jedi. Luke pleads,

“Your thoughts betray you, Father. I feel the good in you, the conflict.”

Vader tries to shut this down,

“There is no conflict.”

Luke thinks he sees the good.

“You couldn’t bring yourself to kill me before, and I don’t believe you’ll destroy me now.”

Vader, on the other hand, feels the pull of Dark.  

“You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny.”

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During the final climactic lightsaber battle, Luke almost succumbs to the power of the Dark Side. When Vader threatens to turn Leia to the Dark Side, Luke lashes out in anger.

When he could have struck a killing blow to Vader, he stops. He sees how Vader has been corrupted by evil, and he will never choose that path. Then the Emperor has had enough of this. He attempts to kill Luke with Force lightning.

Luke pleads with Vader to save his life. Vader has to choose. Will he follow the Emperor, or will he save his son? The Emperor had promised him all kinds of power, even the power to save someone from death. But the Emperor is killing his son.

Vader lunges and picks up the Emperor. He tosses him over the edge, and the Emperor plummets to his death.

But Vader has absorbed the final blasts that were intended to kill Luke. He is struggling to breathe. Luke tries to carry him to a safe location, but it is too late.

With My Own Eyes by SingleCoilPickup

As he is dying in the Death Star hangar bay, he speaks his last words to Luke, “You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister you were right.” Vader came back to the Light Side. No one thought it was possible, except Luke.

Hang on to Hope

I wish I could be as hopeful as Luke. There are times in my life of faith that I see people turning to a dark path. I see people living in sinful ways and not wanting to turn back to God. I see people following after false religious ideas that are leading them to hell. They are not following Jesus on the path to heaven. I have had times when I speak to people about their sin and they would rather remain in their sin than repent and follow the truth of the Bible. It is tough to keep trying to help people see Jesus and his salvation when they want to follow their own sinful path. It definitely feels like they are being controlled by the power of the Dark Side.

And yet, I pray that God helps me to hang on to hope. May I never stop trying to point people to Jesus. God doesn’t give up. God sent Jesus to take care of our problem. He took care of our sin. He lived, died, and rose for us. He redeemed us. He saved us from our sin. My prayer now is that many people turn to that light in repentance. I pray that many more people will believe in Jesus and take hold of the wonderful blessings that he won for us. Only through Jesus can we have the best redemption.

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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