Pentecost 18: Christians Have a Right Relationship with Wealth
The believer has the right kind of relationship with worldly wealth. Faithful
HT: Lesson summaries produced by Rev. Joel Gawrisch and Rev. Jonathan E. Schroeder for Planning Christian Worship Year C.
Lord God, you call us to work in your kingdom and leave no one standing idle. Help us to order our lives by your wisdom and to serve you in willing obedience; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen!
Alleluia. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Alleluia. (2 Corinthians 12:9a)

Artist Commentary: Visual Exegesis
One of the themes in 2 Corinthians in particular is God’s glory / power being manifest in weakness and suffering. Christ is, of course, the model for this pattern (“He was crucified in weakness, but lives by the power of God…” 2 Cor.13:4, or again, “Christ crucified [is a] stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called…[it is] Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God.” 1 Cor.1:23-24), but Paul understands himself to be following in those same footsteps (2 Cor.4:7-12, 13:4). Just as Christ’s “weakness” on the cross led to the manifestation of God’s power in the overcoming of death at the resurrection, so too the sufferings of Christ’s disciples (imaging His death) will be the context for and the seed of the display of His glory and power in their lives (imaging His resurrection)….
This is why, I believe, Jesus does not take away Paul’s “thorn in the flesh,” but rather sustains him by grace in the midst of his suffering. God the Son’s goal (and Paul’s desire) is that the God would be magnified in all things….and since the power of God is made clear in weakness, Jesus will SUSTAIN Paul in suffering rather than REMOVE him from suffering, SO THAT His glory / power might be made known through him – and this is Paul’s joy! He is counted worthy to walk in the cruciform path of his savior and to be sustained by the intimate grace of Christ in order that the power of the resurrected Lord might rest on and be displayed in Him….this is what he lives for and what he counts as most precious (Phil.3:10-11).
So, in this picture the thorns represent Paul’s suffering, as does the shattering of Paul’s body (which is also a reference to Paul saying that he is a “jar of clay” in which the glory of God in Christ is displayed, 2 Cor.4:7)….while the light within represents the power of the resurrected Christ that is made known to the world as Christians are sustained even in the midst of their weakness. The wounds of Christ are visible because they are an eternal reminder both of His own descent into deepest suffering and – through this descent – of His victory over all suffering for the sake of those who trust in Him.
May this picture be a reminder to those who trust in Christ that, though we may carry the death of Jesus in our suffering bodies, by His grace, this will be the very context in which the overcoming life of Jesus will be manifest in and through us (2 Cor.4:10-11).
Christopher Powers
Alleluia. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Alleluia. (Matthew 6:33)
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Focus shifts from payment received to payment made. It is Jesus who used his own blood to buy back and set free all of humankind from the shackles of sin. One might describe this redemptive work as making the best use of available resources! The proclamation of this best business practice is the reason we exist. Therefore we pray for peace in our world. Not for booming economies, this prayer begs that nothing would hinder us from proclaiming the gospel of eternal peace through Jesus.

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Here is

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PSALM OF THE DAY: Psalm 38 or Psalm 128
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Questions to Consider
(Please share your answers/thoughts in the comments below)
- What is God saying to me in these lessons?
- For what do these lessons lead me to give thanks?
- What sins do these lessons lead me to confess?
- For what do these lessons lead me to pray?
- What is the connecting thought that sticks out the most in these lessons? What major theme(s) connect(s) all the lessons?
- Which piece of artwork did you find to be most beneficial? Why?