Blogs,  Luke Italiano

Comfort in a Bottle

A pastor suggested to me that Noah planted a vineyard and got drunk because he needed to cope with a dead world. Clearly, we could argue a lot about why Noah did what he did, but I know plenty of people who cope with difficult lives by turning to alcohol.

In your depression, alcohol might call out to you.

It can dull pain. It can make you set aside your cares for a while. It can help you cope.

Alcohol will not help you. It may dull your struggle for a short time, but it will end up causing more trouble. It will depress you further. It will cause harm to your family and your other relationships. I understand that it calls to you, and you are desperate for relief from somewhere, anywhere. I understand your struggle. I understand why you want to just sit down and let it roll over you and away. I understand trying to find a solution in a bottle.

Alcohol will not save you. I know you know that, but we do not always act in line with what we know. If you’ve turned to alcohol as the source of your relief, turn to the Lord and confess. You have replaced the Creator with a creation. Admit your sin.

“O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.” (Psalm 143:1)

Relief does not come from alcohol. Relief only comes from the Lord.

Depending on alcohol is a sin.

If you have turned to alcohol to cope with your depression, please stop. And yes, even get help. Drunkenness is a serious sin. “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18)

So trust me when I say: This is not the place to find relief.

And he sends you relief: Forgiveness. Real forgiveness; not pretend forgiveness for pretend sin, but real forgiveness for real sin. Jesus died also for you, and also for this sin.

Alcohol will not be faithful to you. It gives no righteousness. But God in his faithfulness comes to you. God in his righteousness clothes you. You do not need alcohol to cope. God provides what you need.

Now, I encourage you: Find help. Do not hide this sin and pretend you can defeat it by yourself. If you belong to a church, you have been joined into a fellowship also for your own good. Do not think you can drown these demons alone. God is good to you; he has surrounded you with sinners who also desperately need Jesus.

Choose someone you can trust, perhaps your pastor or another member of the congregation, and ask for support. Find someone who will show you Law and Gospel and love you in your sin, too. Find someone who will point you to the same person they need: Jesus.

And Jesus provides exactly what’s needed: Relief.

Prayer: Lord, I confess that in my depression, in my brokenness, I have sought to find relief in alcohol. I confess that I am not strong enough. Lord, take my sins. Keep your promise to me and make me new. Give me the strength to find help and encouragement in my struggle. Keep your cross before my eyes always. Amen.

Image: Chis Powers: Full of Eyes

Luke Italiano is a pastor in Florence, KY. He has a beautiful bride and four children. He's a self-confessed geek. He also loves a story well-told.

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