More than Superheroes,  Tim Redfield

Infinity War: Pro-Life

Before Endgame (the biggest movie event of our lifetime) hits theaters, let’s talk about what Hollywood is saying. Because although they’ll never admit it, Avengers Infinity War had one of the biggest pro-life messages ever seen in a major blockbuster film.

In Infinity War, the main villain is a super-powerful alien called Thanos. Thanos’ mission is to collect the six Infinity Stones so he has the power to instantly wipe out half the life in the entire universe.

His solution to the perceived problem of universal overpopulation is a genocide of the highest level in all of human history.

Throughout Avengers Infinity War, the Avengers fight valiantly to prevent Thanos from accomplishing his goal. Captain America states that it is important to protect all lives. Vision is willing to sacrifice himself to win and says, “One life cannot stand in the way of defeating [Thanos].” Captain America replies, “But it should. We don’t trade lives, Vision.”

All of the Avengers are on the side of life. The good guys want to protect life and the bad guy and his horde want to end an astronomical number of lives.

It seems unfathomable that anyone could be so evil– but why does Thanos want to do this? What is at the root of Thanos’ motivation? His character actually isn’t dark and scary. He is arguably fatherly and is willing to make sacrifices and tough choices because of what he believes.

He believes that he is providing salvation of sorts for all life.

He also sees a broken universe and is trying to provide what he sees as the best solution.

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His thought process is not an original idea.

Other disillusioned leaders have promoted the idea before. Hitler killed millions in his Holocaust and Stalin killed tens of millions in Soviet Russia. But there is another kind of genocide that at times gets overlooked. There isn’t one name to attach to it like Hitler or Stalin.

The villain of Abortion plays its role differently– but is equally as destructive.

It seems obvious to many of us that the Avengers are doing the right thing and Thanos is clearly evil. Most people recognize that Hitler and Stalin did very evil things. However, there are many people today who defend abortion, a less obvious version of population control. So for those who work in the abortion industry- does that make them villains like Thanos? Or can they not see the reality of abortion?

If you’ve seen the movie Unplanned, you know that Abby Johnson thought she was helping women when she worked at an abortion clinic.

She worked there for eight years before realizing the horror of killing/aborting a baby in the womb.

Abortion has killed many more people than Hitler or Stalin and yet people defend it. Can we put Hilter, Stalin, and pro-choicers into the same category?

Were/are they also trying to save humanity from the brokenness that they see?

What if the Avengers had won and life had gone on existing? What if Hitler and Stalin had been stopped, and abortion ceased?

Humanity’s problems still would not be solved.

Brokeness still abounds. We see a need for a different kind of salvation.

And unlike the Avengers, we need to admit that sacrifice cannot be avoided.

But it is not our sacrifice to make.

A human being sacrificing his own life is not going to fix our brokenness. The problem isn’t about this life. The problem is about eternity. We needed Jesus, the God-Man who is so much greater than Thanos or the Avengers, to step in and be our sacrifice. Only his sacrifice could fix our problem and provide salvation for humanity.

One of my college professors said, “Sin is irrational.” What he meant is this:

Sinful people, because of their sinful nature, will look for a way to defend their sin and will refuse to look to God’s solution to sin.

God has provided the best solution to sin.

He has given us Jesus. Jesus lived perfectly, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. Belief in him leads to eternal life. God promotes the sanctity of human life. He wants us to defend all life and he wants all people to be saved. That is why he sent his Son to be our Savior.

Even though some believe that our world is overpopulated and we need to do something to curb population growth, others have shown that our planet can support a vast population.

Our loving God will sustain us. Our pro-life God takes care of our needs. He took care of our greatest need by forgiving our sins through the cross of Jesus. He will take care of the population of our world in his own way and in his own time.

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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