Free Second Friday
Busy week?
Need some soul food?
Go ahead and catch up on a few things we’ve talked about and then give yourself permission to pause… r
God bless your weekend.
Some things you might have missed:
This post about that tricky word, submit.

This episode at Gird Up podcast about the gender unicorn and a debate about what qualifies as toxic. (Gilette commercial discussed.

The rest of this story by Brandon Steenbock.
At some point, the elemental forces and natural laws collided in the chaos, and there was birthed a world of stone and water and fire and atmosphere. Chemicals and compounds swirled together and split apart in the deep places.
Brandon Steenbock, A Story of Two Worlds

Humans don’t really love the Giver, but the gifts. True accusation? Not for Job. Hear this at The Notable Podcast; The Worst Day.

The rest of this post about David’s depression, part of a series by Luke Italiano.
This is a difficult thing for us to do in our culture. We think we need to pretend everything is “just fine.” But by including this psalm in his Word, God tells us to bring our darkness to him.
Luke Italiano, David’s Depression