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Timothy Bourman: The other half of The Notable Podcast

Let’s chat with the other half of this inspiring duo. Timothy currently resides in Queens, New York City with his ‘brilliant woman’ (and wife) Amanda, and their three children. Together they enjoy reading, coffee together, and ‘a nice long, relaxed run’. 

BFB: I didn’t realize the words, ‘relax’ and ‘run’ could cohabitate, but I’ll take his word for it. Apparently, both he and his brother were runners with Pastor Parsons back in the day. These days, though he’s busy with other unique things:

TB: This last year, my family was on national television twice.  We starred in an episode of HGTV and also were involved in an episode of 20/20 on ABC.  Both opportunities came along out of nowhere and even surprised me.

Not something you hear every day! What else do you do as a family?

Our next planned trip is our little place on the beach in North Carolina.  Amanda (wife), Tayley, Brooke, and Felicity have a getaway there where we recharge away from the city.  We hunt ghost crabs, hit the local boutique books store, and watch dolphins swim by just as often as we can.

That sounds relaxing. Once you’re recharged, what are you excited to get back to?

My passion and my hope is that I can bring the gospel into New York powerfully in both witness and the way I live.  I want to share the hope and joy in the gospel that works so powerfully within me.

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