Gird Up: Charlie Ungemach,  Podcasts

Charlie Ungemach & The “Gird Up” Podcast: as Manly as it Sounds

From his daily choice of breakfast cereals to the way he treats a girl on a date, everything Charlie Ungemach does is driven by his desire to be the man that God created him to be. Not to be defined by traditional stereotypes; he’s also a big fan of bubble baths and a good sappy rom-com.

Bread for Beggars asks Charlie how it started.

Charlie: I remember taking long rides with my father and grandfather into the bluffs around our home in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. They’d share their favorite music, tell stories from their youth, offer advice and criticism, and share with me all they’d learned along the way.

I also grew up in a parsonage surrounded each day by a variety of strong, godly men who were a great influence on me as a boy. They taught me more than I ever realized about being a man.

Sounds like you had good role models. When did you notice a change?

As the years went on I went off to high school and college. More and more I found myself among men who left something to be desired—“men without chests,” as C. S. Lewis describes them. As a freshman in college, I googled the question, “What does it mean to be a man?” This question has been the driving force behind almost every decision I’ve made, and adventure I’ve been on since that day.

You could say answering this question has become part of your mission. How do you use “Gird Up” to carry that out?

I want to have the kind of influence on the young men around me that the men of my congregation had on my life. I want to share my journey in Christian manhood with men all over the world.

This podcast is my platform for doing just that—fostering a community of Christian men who are passionate about becoming the men God created us to be. The interviews we conduct are a great opportunity to ask the big questions young men face in the modern world.

We learn from the men who have gone before us.

I hope my podcast works in a similar way in the hearts of the men listening—a chance to sit at the feet of our brothers and fathers and grow as men and as children of a loving Heavenly Father.

How is what you encourage different from the cultural norm of “masculinity”?

To “Gird Up” is an ancient way of telling a man to prepare himself for hard work or a battle ahead. Our work is reclaiming true, godly masculinity in the modern world.

Genuine, faith-based, bible-led masculinity is often demonized, ridiculed, and stigmatized in the western world and stands in stark contrast to the model of weak, pale, and effeminate male-ness encouraged in popular culture. Genuine Christian manhood also flies in the face of tyrannical, abusive, and oppressive “macho men.”

Men of God are to be like Jesus—the author and perfector of our faith. We are to be powerful and strong, meek and gentle, joyful and sober-minded, peaceful and militant, shrewd as snakes, and innocent as doves—the salt of the earth and a light shining in a darkened world.

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