2016 Bible Reading Group,  Resources

Bible Reading Group: Week 7

Bible Reading Group 7Here are a few thoughts to get you going on your reading of Deuteronomy.

This is Moses’ farewell speech to the Israelites. They are somewhere on the plains of Moab to the East side of the Jordan River. They are looking across the river to the Promised Land (They can probably see Jericho)

You can really sense a different tone in this book compared to previous four books. Moses, the loving leader of Israel, is saying goodbye to the people he has led for so many years. There is great concern in his voice as he urges them to stay close to the LORD. Read this book like you would listen to a sermon—you can sense the warm and personal care with which a pastor would preach.

The book simply can be divided in 3 addresses by Moses:
1st (1:1-4:43)
2nd (4:44-28:68)
3rd (29-33)
The book ends with Moses’ death (34)

Here are some things to think about:

Chapters 1-4 – Moses recounts to the new generation of Israelites what had happened the last 40 years. History is always important to know for a handful of reasons—1. Observe how God has guided history for the good of his people. 2. Learn from past mistakes. 3. Know your heritage and where you’ve come from.

Chapter 5 – This is the second giving of the 10 Commandments (the other was in Exodus 20). Moses is once again reminding the new generation of what God gave to their parents. So often we need reminding of the Commandments as well.

Chapter 6 – Note vs. 4-9. This is such a good reminder for us to impress God’s Word on ourselves and our children—not just here and there, but making it a part of our everyday life.

Chapter 8 – Moses encourages the people not to forget the LORD when things are going good for them. This is also a wonderful reminder for us as well.

Chapter 9 – Note vs. 4-6. So often people are offended that God would allow the Israelites to go in and kill off all the nations in the land. You see from these verses that God is punishing those nations for their continuous impenitent wickedness (sexually immorality and human sacrifice in their worship just to name a couple)

Pastor Huebner has been the pastor of Christ the King Palm Coast, FL since its beginning. He came to Palm Coast in 2007 to start the church as a brand new mission church. He has overseen CTK from its start with just three families that met in his living room. Now he serves as pastor of a very large congregation with many wonderful families!

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