Encouagement in Waves of Change a poem by Adam Nitz
As we look out and see a stormy sea of humanity
Let’s remember the One who calmed the sea of Galilee
And not give in to sins of self-righteousness, hate or fear
When high waves of change are crashing so near
Instead, when sin seems in charge and a wild storm rages
In the world all around or in our own life’s stages
Let’s remember the One who calmed all with a word
And who stretched out his life on a cross for this world.
Yes each human movement rises like a rolling wave
Hell-bent to change the way things are— a world to “save”
Pulsing with passion, eyes all on fire
To right every “wrong”, the undaunted desire
It thrusts high into the culture, a wave untamed
Old sins remade, refashioned, renamed
And its energy fuels some “reform”
And many ride on the crest of this wave, a new norm!
Sure that they’ve changed the world, that “love” will reign
Positive that every change is a positive gain
But this wave will crest, as all of them must
For God is in charge and his word is our trust
As we live in this world, with our true life above
Our mission is speaking God’s truth in true love.
And this crestfallen crest will be leveled at last
When Truth comes again with a trumpet blast
Or quietly, slowly, the storm will all slip and go
As the once mighty wave becomes a sad under-toe
And the earth keeps on turning and tides come and go
New waves rise and fall, some fast and some slow
But things don’t change much in the ocean below
For the evil that’s ruined our whole human race
Runs deeper and darker than any human can face
And the only hope for a world so deluded
Is the truth from our God which cannot be refuted:
One Lord and Savior whose death paid for each drop
And his message of love which no ocean can stop.
Painting Jan Bruegher Elder, Christ in Storm on Galilee, Madrid, Thyssen-Bornemisza c.1596