Blogs,  Sing a New Song

Sing a New Song a blog by Pastor Scott Martz


Welcome, readers!

I am Scott Martz and I am a WELS pastor at Lamb of God Lutheran in Phoenix, AZ. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Northwestern College in 1990 and a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1994. I served Shepherd Lutheran Church & School from 1994 to 2000 and Lamb of God since 2000.

In 1991 I married Heidi Marie Westphal and God has blessed us with three children the oldest of which is in college. Heidi and I and the children have a common passion. We all love all types of music and have a special interest in Christian Contemporary Music. Our view is that God has gifted His church throughout the ages with musicians who glorify His name with new songs as well as old.

My special nitsch is text analysis of current songs. Some say that current songs lack depth and substance. I respectfully disagree. I think that throughout the ages there have been weak and strong songs. My goal in “Sing a New Song” is to highlight and give the background of current songs that are strong. I will give the reasons why and then provide subscribers some devotional thoughts.

“Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.” (Psalm 149:1) 

I am Scott Martz and I am a WELS pastor at Lamb of God Lutheran in Phoenix, AZ. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Northwestern College in 1990 and a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1994. I served Shepherd Lutheran Church & School from 1994 to 2000 and Lamb of God Lutheran since 2000.

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