Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. — Romans 10:17

Whoever has ears, let them hear. — Matthew 11:15

I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? — Galatians 3:2

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. — Luke 8:15

Hear the word of the LORD, you descendants of Jacob, all you clans of Israel. — Jeremiah 2:4.

The Bible talks often of the importance of hearing — hearing the Word creates and strengthens our faith. That makes sense because in Matthew 18, Jesus tells us our faith should closely resemble little children, a group of people who can’t read, and yet believe. Not only that, Christ used the simplest rhetorical technique to explain his teachings — stories.

In light of this, it shouldn’t be surprising that audio storytelling — a medium that should have died once nearly every household had a television in the living room —is seeing a resurgence in a digital format. According to Ann Friedman, podcasts are in the middle of a “boom.” Radio-programs-turned-podcasts are successful, like This American Life, Radiolab, Car Talk, and World Café. But new digital-only podcasts have been wildly popular, including Serial, Reply All, and 99 Percent Invisible.

What makes this podcast unique?

The Lost Coins is documentary-style podcast that will tell the stories of Christians living their faith in unique ways. The name refers to how Christ used stories to teach and comfort through his parables. It also reminds us that every story about a Christian life is truly about a lost coin that has been found. These won’t simply be sermons or devotions, but will combine interviews, natural sound, narration, and music to tell the stories of the Christian life.

Good stories live in every congregation across the country. We have unlikely conversions — like the member of Producer Ted Petersen’s church who grew up Jewish and in the midst of the war in Afghanistan realized his spiritual life was lacking. We have Christians dedicating time to help others, like the group of Christians who came to Florida to help with hurricane relief or the missionaries who are willing to visit remote or even dangerous places to share the Gospel. We have Christians living in places where simply being Christian is dangerous. We have regular moms and dads who are everyday heroes ensuring that their kids and their communities’ kids are cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Your faith no doubt will be strengthened by hearing these stories.

Who is behind The Lost Coins podcast?

The Losts Coins is produced by: Ted Petersen, Mark Parsons, and Dr. Tom Kuster in association with Bread for Beggars, Bethany Lutheran College, and Gospel Outreach with Media. Learn more about the producers.

Dr. Ted Petersen described the concept of the “Lost Coins Podcasts” in Gospel Outreach With Media Conference 2017, and a year later produced a pilot episode for GOWM 2018. That caught the attention of Pastor Mark Parsons, curator of the  Bread for Beggars website. With the support of Dr. Tom Kuster, host of the GOWM online conferences, they conceived and produced what they hope will be the first of many Lost Coins podcast seasons.

Listen to the producers discuss the venture and preview the series.

Click the start arrow to listen to the producers discuss the first podcast of The Lost Coins series.

Then hear the first episode – a repeat of the pilot – which will launch the seven episode series over the fall and into the winter.

Click the start arrow to listen to the first podcast of The Lost Coins series, hosted by Ted Petersen.
[Audio clip courtesy of the Weather Channel Television Network.]

Finally, go to the Lost Coins Facebook page and subscribe, so you don’t miss any of the coming episodes when they appear on approximately the following schedule: