Verses for the Newborn King a poem based on Isaiah 8 and 9
This poem is based on the famous prophetic passage in Isaiah 9 that pointed forward to our Savior’s birth. I started at Isaiah 8:19 and went until Isaiah 9:7 to add some of the context. Please read the passage in connection with the poem. In the helpless darkness of our sins, God sent the true light that we need most. The poem fits themes for Christmas and Epiphany. I hope you enjoy it and hope it helps as you reflect on the birth of our Savior. His birth is so humble and lowly and yet he is as glorious and powerful a Savior as these words describe. What a gift from heaven! Have a blessed Christmas!
Dark days have dawned on God’s nation again.
Some seek truth from demons instead of from him,
Hell-bound sinners in a starving state
Cursing their God in their self-centered hate
Will be thrust into darkness, cheerless gloom
Souls roaming lost in an endless tomb…
Nevertheless for those in distress
Clinging to truth in the cold darkness
The gloom shall melt into glorious light
Joy will replace the terror and fright.
The two lands of Zebulun and Naphtali
God humbled both in days gone by
But He will honor Gentile Galilee
Along the Jordan, by the way of the sea….
The people walking in darkest night
Have seen a great and comforting light
On those who live under death’s black shade
A light has dawned in glory arrayed!
You have enlarged the nation, joy increased.
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Or the joy of men who divide the plunder
When the war is won to everyone’s wonder.
For just as it was at Midian’s fall,
You shattered the yoke that burdens them all
The heavy bar from across their backs
The oppressor’s rod that beats and smacks.
Every boot stained with battle’s mud
And every garment rolled red with blood
Is destined for burning as fuel for the flames
For when Peace arrives, no fighting remains.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given
On his shoulders is the rule over all the living!
And he shall be given titles, fitting and right:
Wonderful Counselor, God of all Might
Father Everlasting and Prince of Peace.
His rule and his peace shall ever increase.
He will reign on David’s ancient throne,
And over his kingdom sovereign, alone
Establishing, upholding his kingship and reign
Perfect love, perfect power—his glory and fame.
With righteousness, justice his rule shall be made
From that time till forever and never to fade.
The LORD Almighty—heaven’s armies are his—
The zeal of that LORD will accomplish all this!