Christ-Light Connections: The Bronze Snake & Balaam
The Christ-Light theme this week is God disciplines those who do not give him the glory that he is due.
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The Bronze Snake — Numbers 20; 21:4-9

Learn more about this painting here.
At this point, Israel has been wandering in the desert for nearly forty years. By now, most of the adult generation that had left Egypt has died. The majority of the people know nothing but the wilderness as home.
Big Ideas
Water from a Rock (Numbers 20:2-11)
Early in Israel’s journey, they had a similar problem with a similar solution; only now the event results in devastating consequences for Moses and Aaron. They sin against the Lord and are denied entrance into the Promised Land.
Moses’ and Aaron’s actual sin is a bit unclear. It appears that Moses, with Aaron by his side, performed the miracle in a state of rage and entitlement. Who could blame them? The trip out of Egypt should have taken less than a year, and here they are trapped in the wilderness because of the people’s persistent unbelief. Why haven’t the people learned to trust God yet?
Moses has a lot in common with most parents. Including this one.
I am frustrated that my children continually fight and whine. I have worked so hard to teach them and sacrificed so much to be a good parent. I am tired. I need progress!
Yes, sometimes, I would like to go and hit a rock with a stick to work out some of my rage!
Being a sinner, living with sinners, and raising sinners is an impossible job. Not even the man who wrote five books of the Bible could do it without a heart of entitlement. Unending patience and continual self-sacrifice are unnatural.
Conversation Starters:
- In what other ways do adults struggle with entitlement or impatience?
- In what ways do children struggle with entitlement or impatience?
- Describe how Jesus fulfilled this law for us? How did he demonstrate patience and self-sacrifice?
Moses’ and Aaron’s Consequences (Numbers 20:12)
God’s consequences for Moses and Aaron are severe. After all those years of faithful service, they would be denied entry into the Promised Land. Recently, I heard a pastor explain it like this:
Imagine what the consequences would be if you drew a mustache on a lady on one of those big make-up posters in Walgreens. Now imagine you drew the same mustache on the Mona Lisa. The consequences would be vastly different for sinning against Maybelline than the Mona Lisa! You may have committed the same crime, but it is about whom you have sinned against.
The Complaint of the Next Generation (Numbers 21:4-5)
The Israelites sound like children who have been on a long road trip eating PBJs in the car every day. “There’s no food, and we hate this food!” They were safe, fed, and hydrated. Nothing was actually wrong. They also sounded just as whiney as the previous generation that had to die in the desert.
Sin is inherited by every generation. The smallest discomforts and inconveniences can turn hearts against God. Faith is fragile and conditional. God sends to the people deserved judgment. Just as Satan and the first sin brought death into the world, so each of these venomous snakes brought death into the Israelite camp. (Romans 6:23a)
The Snake on a Pole
This is a foreshadowing of Christ on the cross. Read about it in John 3:14-15. I have always wondered why the snake, who usually represents Satan, was used as a picture of Christ. I did not understand it well until I watched this artistic video by Chris Powers.
Conversation Starters:
- True or False: When Christ was on the cross he was the world’s worst sinner.
- True or False: When Christ was on the cross he was the world’s only sinner.
- Watch the video with your children and discuss the meaning. I have watched this with my young children at home several times. Yes, some images are disturbing, but I want them to know the disturbing nature of sin and why we are not afraid of it.
Digging Deeper
The Seeds of Faith resource provides great Law and Gospel points as well as thoughtful discussion questions.
40 Minutes in the Old Testament Podcast
- Episode 145: Miriam dies and is buried. A lot of time has passed, and most of the generation that left Egypt has died, but that hasn’t stopped the people from complaining.
- Episode 146: Israel comes to Edom and requests to travel through their land. The king of Edom refuses and threatens them. Israel moves on, and Aaron dies on a mountain where the office of the high priest is transferred to his son.
OT2 7B
Balaam — Numbers 22-24

Numbers 24:17 + Revelation 22:16
It’s go time! The Israelites finally begin their quest to conquer the surrounding nations, and each battle is blessed by the LORD. Understandably, Moab is terrified! Israel had just defeated a nation that had previously defeated them. King Balak turns to the dark arts for help.
If you are using Christ-Light, the central message revolves around God’s discipline and our need for repentance and obedience. If you decide to use that theme, consider something important: Balam did technically obey God when he spoke the words God told him to speak. He did so, not because he had a repentant heart, but because his alternative was death.
As I talk to my children about this story, I will use it to discuss God’s protection over us and his power over the dark forces of this world.

Big Ideas
Balaam is a non-Jew, greedy soothsayer who uses divination to speak with the LORD. Because of his reputation, we assume he is quite familiar with the dark arts. Did you notice that he doesn’t seem to be phased by the talking donkey? Maybe such odd occurrences were not odd to him.
The dark arts are around today, and our children may be more aware of them than we realize. Since children are more likely to believe in what they cannot see, they are far more likely to be unreasonably afraid. Satan can scare a child with a ghost story, horror film, or knowledge about demonism. It doesn’t take much for a child to be afraid to be alone in the dark.
Conversation Starter:
- If you are talking about the dark arts in a large group, don’t let every kid share every story they know. You will likely send some students home with new nightmares. Ask children to share their stories and fears with you in written form or privately. Knowing what they fear can enable you to speak God’s powerful word against that fear.

Hebrews 1:14
The Donkey Ride
It is a bit confusing when God tells Balaam to “go” then “don’t go” then “go” again. Remember, God is watching Balaam’s heart and knows his intentions. He also wants to use these episodes as a tool to show his people and the surrounding nations his unwavering commitment to protect and bless his people.
And it’s really cool that the donkey talks!
Blessings Not Curses
Greedy Balaam and terrified King Balaak want so badly to curse the Israelites. It is almost comical watching them try again and again in different locations. If Balaam was an experienced soothsayer, he likely had been able to influence demons and dark powers he had served as gods. The God of Israel was different. The LORD would do nothing but bless his people. He would forever be a faithful husband to his bride.
Conversation Starter:
- Read Numbers 23:20,23 and Romans 8:38-39. What can separate us from God’s love?
- Have older children scan the prophecies for hints of the coming Messiah. There are quite a few!
Digging Deeper
40 Minutes in the Old Testament Podcast
- Episode 147: We are introduced to a strange character named Balaam. Out of fear of their numbers, King Balak summons Balaam to curse Israel. Balaam asks God twice if he should go.
- Episode 148: Balaam has Balak build seven altars to make sacrifices on before he goes to speak for God. Balak is not pleased with the word that Balaam gives him and decides to repeat the cycle two more times.
- Episode 149: Balaam gives his final oracle. He speaks of a star and scepter rising out of Israel in the future. How do Jesus and perhaps the wise men from the east fit into this?