Deep Wounds
Deep Wounds is a new song for Lent by Timothy Reynolds.
Based on a much older hymn, Deep Were His Wounds, this version give us new opportunity to consider the message and meditate on its meaning.
Timothy had this to say about it:
I’m thinking about the Lent season and our suffering Savior. And one of the things, of course, that we all know about and think about is Christ on the cross giving up his life for the whole world, for everyone. For me, for you. We’re all sinners, and without Christ’s death, there could be no salvation.
And it’s that on-the-cross moment and before that when he’s whipped and beaten, his hair is pulled out, and he suffers so much that we think of his deep wounds.
Then each of the three verses ends with a statement beginning with the word “but.” It says, “All of that is true — his wounds, his shame, he’s been forsaken. But…” And then each verse ends with an uplifting, hopeful statement about healing, victory, and eternal life.
The music itself reflects this. It starts in the key of Eb minor (Yes, all six flats, musicians). It’s dark and somber. A palette of colors — they’re dark and rich, they’re purple, they’re deep brown — chosen, not because it’s easy, but because it’s part of the creative expression. And that’s what you need.
And then it has a surprising chord at the end. It goes to A major — one of the brightest and most uplifting chords of victory and happiness. A wonderful contrast as you get to the healing, victory, and eternal life at the end of each verse.
Paired with Jason Jaspersen’s Christus Paradox piece, I hope this song helps you to meditate on Christ’s sacrifice for us — his deep wounds to heal us.
For more from Timothy Reynolds, you can find him over at goldbergermusic.com
And find more of Jason Jaspersen’s work at jjjaspersen.com