Music,  Timothy Reynolds

Christ’s Suffering Reveals God’s Abundant Love

Ahavah Rabba is a new song for Lent from Timothy Reynolds.

He had this to say about it:

Ahavah Rabba is a Hebrew phrase meaning “abundant love” and is the first part of a Jewish morning prayer:

Abundant love
With an abundant love you have loved us.
Be gracious, teach us, have compassion,
Give understanding, discernment.
Enlighten our eyes to your teachings, commandments,
Unify our hearts to love and revere your name,
So we may never be brought to shame.
We trust in your awesome holiness.
May we delight in your deliverance.

You have loved us with abundant love –
Teach our hearts to hear your word.
You have loved us with abundant love –
We trust your awesome holiness.
You have loved us with abundant love –
May we delight in your deliverance.

God loved us with an abundant love. He sent his Son Jesus Christ, and this Lenten season is always a good time to think about Christ’s sacrifice and suffering on our behalf — as our Redeemer — giving us salvation.

I hope this seven-minute musical meditation will be of benefit to you. Perhaps for your own personal prayers, reading of scriptures, and relaxing.


For more from Timothy, you can find him over at

Or listen over on youtube.

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