Luke Italiano,  The Path of Broken Kings

Who Can Hinder Him?

The battle was hopeless.

Jonathan scowled. The men around him trembled. More and more soldiers fled. And here he was, the prince, the son of the king, ready to fight. But how can you lead an army when the army has no hope?

The Lord had promised to be with them, hadn’t he? That should be enough.

He glanced at his armor-bearer. “You and me. Let’s go to the Philistine outpost over there.”

They left the camp together. They told no one, not even the king.

The two men threaded their way down the hill. Rocks and debris slid down the incline. The sun burned at them from an angry sky. They climbed up to a pass between two cliffs. The sun hid behind the rocky outcroppings. They paused in the deep shade and spied the Philistine outpost. A few dozen men camped at the top of a hill, keeping an eye on the Israelite army.

Jonathan wiped sweat from his forehead. “Come. Let’s go over to those uncircumcised fellows.” He rolled the words around in his mouth and then spat. And then he gave a grim smile.

“Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or few.”

His armor-bearer returned the smile. “Do all that you have in mind. Go ahead. I’m with you, heart and soul.”

Jonathan nodded. “All right. This is what we’ll do. We’ll leave the pass and cross over to them. Let them see us. If they say, ‘Stay there until we come to you,’ we’ll stay where we are and not go up to them. But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’” Jonathan huffed a laugh, “we’ll climb up. That will be the sign that the Lord has given them into our hands.”

So the two men exited the shade of the pass. As the sun revealed them, the men at the Philistine camp stood and pointed. Even from this distance, Jonathan heard their muttering: “Look! The Israelites are finally climbing out of the holes they were hiding in!” The enemy laughed. One shouted out, “Come on up here! We’ll teach you a lesson.”

And the prince chuckled. “Climb up after me. The Lord has given them into our hands.”

So they climbed. The stones were rough under Jonathan’s calloused hands as he pulled himself up. Finally, he stood at the top of the hill. The Philistines held swords and spears easily in their hands as they circled around. Jonathan’s armor-bearer also hauled himself to the summit and stood beside the prince.

One of the enemies gestured to Jonathan. “Come here, and I’ll make it quick for you.”

Jonathan drew his sword. One of two in all Israel.

The Philistines just laughed.

The prince charged. The first man didn’t even have time to swing his blade. He fell under Jonathan’s onslaught. He spun and cleaved his sword into a second man’s side. He crumbled.

One of the enemy lunged with a spear at Jonathan’s side. He turned toward it. The metal head sped toward him. He wouldn’t be able to block it in time.

His armor-bearer lurched and shoved the spearshaft aside. He lunged with a dagger, burying it in the enemy’s side.

The Philistines shouted. A few fled. Others piled into the attack. Blood stained the rocks.

And in the end, twenty Philistines lay dead. The rest ran back to their army, screaming about the ferocity of the Israelites.

And Jonathan’s grin grew wider as he heaved for breath. If the Lord wants to give victory, who can hinder him?

This story is based on I Samuel 14:1-14.

Luke Italiano is a pastor in Florence, KY. He has a beautiful bride and four children. He's a self-confessed geek. He also loves a story well-told.

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