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The Sands of Time are Sinking–Immanuel’s Land

This poem In Immanuel’s Land was composed by Mrs. Anne Ross Cousin, wife of a minister of the Free Church of Scotland. The poem is as remarkable as it is beautiful in that Mrs. Cousin extracted from the letters of Samuel Rutherford many of his most memorable sayings and wove them into a hymn of 19 stanzas, maintaining throughout high poetic excellence and great faithfulness to the language and spirit of the letters.

Learn more about Samuel Rutherford and his letters here.

In 2018 Audrey Assad released a recording of Immanuel’s Land using a melody and arrangement she wrote that captures eloquently the majesty of Cousin’s lyrics and the deep doctrines they contain.

My church recently used the following 10 verses for the season of End Times. The following stanzas fit in perfectly with the major themes of each week.

Last Judgment st. 1-3,7

Saints Triumphant  st. 4-5, 8-9

Christ the King st. 1-2, 9-10

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a recording of more than just a couple of the many verses. If you have one please share it with us.

Immanuel’s Land

  1. The sands of time are sinking; the dawn of heaven breaks,
    The summer morn I’ve watched for; eternity awakes.
    Dark, dark has been the midnight, but dayspring is at hand.
    Glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory in Immanuel’s land.
  2. The King there in his beauty without a veil is seen;
    It is a well-spent journey, though death lies here between.
    The Lamb with his fair army does on Mount Zion stand.
    Glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory in Immanuel’s land.
  3. Oh, Christ, he is the fountain, the deep, sweet well of Love.
    The streams on earth I’ve tasted, more deep I’ll drink above,
    And fuller than the ocean his mercy does expand.
    Glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory in Immanuel’s land.
  4. I’ve wrestled on toward heaven, ‘gainst storm and wind and tide;
    Now as a weary traveler, I lean upon my Guide,
    And see through shades of evening, while sinks life’s ling’ring sand:
    Glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory in Immanuel’s land.
  5. Deep waters crossed life’s pathway, the hedge of thorns pierced deep;
    These soon will lie behind me; his promises he’ll keep.
    I’ll join the hallelujah of that triumphant band!
    Glory, glory in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory in Immanuel’s land.
  6. With mercy and with judgment my web of time he wove,
    And all the dews of sorrow were shining with his love.
    I’ll bless the hand that guided, I’ll bless the heart that planned
    Glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
  7. Oh, I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved’s mine!
    He brings this poor, weak sinner into his house now mine.
    I stand upon his merit; I know no other stand.
    Glory, glory in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
  8. I shall sleep sound in Jesus, and clothed in him I’ll rise
    To live and to adore him, to see him with these eyes.
    ‘Tween me and resurrection, ‘tis only death that stands.
    Glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
  9. The bride eyes not her garment, but her dear Bridegroom’s face;
    I will not gaze at glory but on my King of Grace,
    Not at the crown he gives me but on his pierc-ed hand.
    Glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, the Lamb is all the glory, in Immanuel’s land.
  10. Who summons me before them? To them I will not come;
    My Lord says, “Come up hither;” my Lord says, “Welcome home!”
    My King, now on his white throne my presence does command.
    Glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land.
    Oh, glory, glory, glory, in Immanuel’s land

Lyrics by Anne Ross Cousins, adapt. by Audrey Assad; music by Audrey Assad)

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