Michael Zarling,  Star Wars

The Heiress

Spoilers Ahead!

Fair Warning

In Chapter 11, the Razor Crest barely manages to stay in one piece as it arrives on the water-filled moon of Trask. Or rather, as it crash lands into the docks. Fortunately, the Razor Crest is quickly pulled out of the water by a re-purposed AT-AT walker. When everyone is safe on the docks, the Frog Lady joyfully reunites with her husband so he can fertilize her eggs.

Star Wars fans are excited to see Mon Calamari (“It’s a Trap!”) and Quarren walking around the port. Both of these species are native to the aquatic planet of Dac. They fit in well on Trask. It makes sense that Mando hires a Mon Calamari dock worker to fix his ship because his species is historically good at building and fixing ships.

Mando then hires a Quarren sailor (Quarren are squid-faced creatures) to take him and The Child on his fishing boat to find more Mandalorians.

That’s when the action begins!

The Quarren ambush Mando and try to feed him and The Child to a mamacore – a hungry aquatic beast they keep in a watery cage in the hold of their ship – so they can get Mando’s valuable Beskar armor.

The cavalry arrives in the form of three Mandalorians. They fly in to wipe out the Quarren and rescue Mando and The Child from the mamacore.

When everyone is safe, the leader of the Mandalorians removes her helmet and introduces herself as Bo-Katan.

If all you know of the Mandalorians is from this TV show, then you were probably thinking she couldn’t be a real Mandalorian because they aren’t supposed to remove their helmets. But, if you watched The Clone Wars and Rebels, you know that Mandalorians routinely remove their helmets.

More importantly, you were excited to hear the name Bo-Katan. This is a massive name drop! The title of Chapter 11 is The Heiress, which is a reference to Bo-Katan. (She is played by the same actress who voiced this character in The Clone Wars animated series.)

Bo-Katan used to be a member of Death Watch – an offshoot group of Mandalorians who saved Din Djarin (Mando) during the Clone Wars. She even makes a reference to this, “You are a child of the Watch.”

There is a long, involved story of Bo-Katan being the ruler of the planet Mandalore. She once possessed the dark saber. Whoever possesses the dark saber rules Mandalore. That’s why she is so adamant in retrieving the dark saber from Moff Gideon.

But Mando’s goal in season 2 is to return The Child to his people – not necessarily The Child’s species, but to return him to other Force-wielders – meaning the Jedi. Bo-Katan tells Mando that she will give him information on the Jedi if he helps them secure an Imperial cargo vessel filled with black market weapons. She needs these weapons to retake Mandalore.

There is a lot more action when the highly-effective Mandalorians take on the outclassed Stormtroopers. Once the Imperial ship is in their possession and the weapons are secured, Bo-Katan tells Mando to take The Child to the city of Caladan on the forest planet of Corvus, where he’ll find Ahsoka Tano.

Boom! The ultimate Star Wars name drop!

When I heard Ahsoka’s name, I audibly let out a “Whoa!” Others I know stood up and yelled, “Yes!”

If you’re only a fan of the mainstream Star Wars films, the name Ahsoka Tano probably meant nothing to you. But, if you’ve spent time watching The Clone Wars and Rebels, then you know how momentous this name drop was.

Ahsoka Tano was the Padawan apprentice of Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. She is the creation of The Mandalorian executive producer, Dave Filoni for The Clone Wars. Her story over all the seasons of The Clone Wars adds depth to the story of Anakin Skywalker. Truthfully, the reasons Anakin goes to the dark side in Revenge of the Sith are weak. The back story of Anakin and Ashoka allows his turn from the Jedi to the Sith tomake sense.

In the later episodes of The Clone Wars, Ahsoka and Bo-Katan work together to free Mandalore from Darth Maul. (Yes, he survived being cut in half by Obi Wan in The Phantom Menace.) Watch this clip of Ahsoka and Darth Maul. It is by far the greatest lightsaber duel in all of Star Wars canon!

Chapter 11 is a great, action-packed episode that moves the story of Mando and The Child along. But there is much more depth when you know the backstories, recognize the deep cuts, and appreciate the name drops.

God’s Word is the story of humanity’s salvation through Jesus Christ. Learning that story by studying your Bible is necessary. Reviewing that story by listening to your pastor’s sermons is great. Growing in your knowledge of that story by reading devotions with your family is useful.

But do you ever feel like you’re missing out when the Bible drops a name you don’t know? Or you don’t always understand all the references in your pastor’s sermons? Or you don’t get all the deep cuts in your church’s Bible studies?

Jesus’ entire ministry was filled with backstories, deep cuts, and name drops.

Jesus’ ministry began as John the Baptist pointed to him, calling Jesus “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). This was a reference to the Passover Lamb that God used to rescue his people from Egyptian slavery (Exodus 12).

The Pharisees got upset with Jesus when he name-dropped “I am” so often in his sermons. Seven name drops, actually, in John’s Gospel. “I am the Bread of Life” (John 6:35). “I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). “I am the Vine” (John 15:1). And more.

The Pharisees understood that Jesus was equating himself with the Angel of the Lord in the burning bush who told Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. Tell the Israelites I AM sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14).


When Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus, he used the deep cut of the bronze serpent on a pole. Any Israelite bitten by venomous serpents could look to the bronze serpent and live (Numbers 21:4-9). Jesus equated himself with the bronze serpent when he said, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15).

The entire book of Hebrews is filled with deep cuts from Old Testament ceremonial laws that all pointed to Jesus.

Jesus Christ’s Revelation to St. John is filled with Easter eggs of Scripture. The way to better understand Revelation is to better understand the rest of Scripture first.

As you have opportunity, I encourage you to watch the seven seasons of The Clone Wars and the four seasons of Rebels. You will better understand and appreciate the Easter eggs, deep cuts, and name drops in The Mandalorian.

But I especially encourage you to create a schedule starting in Advent to commit to reading your Bible daily. Make it a godly habit to be in worship services every week – whether in person or online. Participate in your church’s Bible studies. Read devotions with your family. Discuss Biblical application in your life lessons with your children.

God has given us such richness and depth in his holy Word. The more you are in the Word, the more you will recognize, appreciate, and mine from the treasure of God’s Word.

The Bible, your pastor’s sermons, and your church’s Bible studies are filled with backstories, deep cuts, and name drops. You don’t want to miss out on any of the Easter eggs the Holy Spirit has laid out for you to find.

There may even be times when you let out an audible, “Whoa!”

For the first 8 years of my ministry, I served at Faith Lutheran Church, an exploratory congregation in Radcliff, KY. I presently serve at Epiphany Lutheran Church and Wisconsin Lutheran School (WLS) in Racine, WI. I am also very involved with our youth as the WLS head soccer coach and the head counselor for WELS Training Camp, a youth camp for 3rd – 9th graders. I have been married to Shelley for 20 years. Together we have 4 beautiful daughters – Abigail, Miriam, Lydia and Gabrielle. We also have 2 dogs – Messi and Mia – named after Lionel Messi and Mia Hamm (the Zarling family really likes soccer!)

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