The “Uncool” Characters of The Mandalorian
If you’ve watched season 1 of The Mandalorian (and if you’re reading this, I assume you have), you surely noticed something different. There are only a handful of “cool” characters in this show. Most of the characters, vehicles, and props are deep cuts from other Star Wars properties – the movies, The Clone Wars, Rebels, and even The Ewoks: The Battle for Endor and the Star Wars Holiday Special.
I feel like a caged Kowakian monkey-lizard waiting for season 2 to begin. After watching season 1 again, I got the inside scoop on my favorite show by watching Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian. This is a documentary of the making of The Mandalorian where you hear from the producers, directors, and other talented contributors.
In episode 8 of the documentary, executive producer, Jon Favreau speaks about populating The Mandalorian with the right characters, “Let’s take the characters that were right on the edge of being kind of not that cool. You really have to love Star Wars to give yourself permission to like these things and to take the characters that are normally deep in the background and put them center stage.”
Dave Filoni, the other executive producer, then comments, “Jon’s like, with these characters we could launch Disney+.”

When creating The Mandalorian, Favreau and Fioni certainly did not pick the coolest and most popular characters to launch the first ever live-action Star Wars TV show. But in my estimation, they succeeded in creating the best show on TV.
Filoni best summarizes who these characters are:
“Our older brother took all the cool toys, and then we got left with Ugnaughts and Jawas and peg-warmers, but somehow we got a Boba Fett figure, and then we painted him silver and made him cooler, ‘cause sometimes you make it your own.”
Although I didn’t have an older brother, the Star Wars action figures I had growing up were the leftovers. They were the ones my mom found at rummage sales. I think the original owners were collecting bounty hunters for some reason because I ended up with Bossk, IG-88, Dengar, and 4-Lom. Those characters had about 5 seconds of screen time in The Empire Strikes Back. The best figure my mom found was a used Boba Fett. But maybe these action figures are why I enjoy a show about bounty hunters so much.
The Mandalorian is filled with the “uncool” leftover characters, animals, vehicles, and props.
- A Devorian
- A Quarren
- An Ugnaught
- A Trandoshan
- An Incinerator Stormtrooper
- EV-9D9
- IG-11
- GNK Series Power Droid
- Jawas
- Tusken Raiders
- Blurgs
- Banthas
- A Troop Transport
- An AT-ST
- An Amban Phase Pulse Blaster
- Willrow Hood’s Camtono (the deepest cut of all)

When Jesus established his Kingdom here on earth, he certainly didn’t choose the “cool” guys (Matthew 10:2-4). There weren’t any emperors or kings, centurions or gladiators, inventors or explorers in the group.
Jesus called ordinary people to follow him – fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot, and some other guys. He gathered lepers, prostitutes, and tax collectors around him. Women followed him and were even the first to witness Jesus after his resurrection.
Yet, with these men and women, these ordinary people, these “uncool” characters, Jesus launched his Kingdom. Jesus turned to this ragtag bunch and gave them this very cool mission, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
Jesus made them his own.
Favreau and Filoni took background characters, leftover props, and deep cuts and made them into something every true Star Wars fan loves. We only have to wait a few more days for season 2 to begin.
Jesus took normal people like James and John, Mary and Martha, Zacchaeus and Nicodemus. He used familiar props like water, spit, bread, and fish. He continues to use ordinary, uncool people like you and me in our daily vocations.
Season 1 of Jesus’ Kingdom is still being written and viewed. We can’t wait to watch and be part of season 2. We’ll have to wait a while for that season, though. Jesus wouldn’t tell us the day or hour when that will begin (Matthew 24:36).