Christ-Light Connections: Jesus Calms the Storm & Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man
Who was this powerful and mysterious rabbi? Was he a great prophet like Moses and Elijah? Was he here to lead like King David? Gradually, Jesus revealed his identity to his people through his words and miraculous signs. He was not just a temporary savior who had come to make life better. He was here for a greater restoration. This Messiah arrived with impressive power over creation and an unheard-of authority to forgive!
The Christ-Light theme this week is Jesus proves he is God’s Son.
1NT 11A
Jesus Calms the Storm — Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25

Matthew gives us an interesting backdrop about faith. Just before Jesus and the disciples get into the boat, Jesus has a rather confusing dialogue about what it means to follow him in Matthew 8:19-22. We are left wondering what does it mean to have faith? Am I committed enough? Am I ready and able to give up everything? Keep these thoughts in the back of your mind as we watch how Jesus nurtures the faith of his disciples in the storm.
Big Ideas
But Jesus was Sleeping (Matthew 8:24, Mark 4:38, Luke 8:23)
This was not just any storm! The Greek wording describes a “sucking of wind” and can also describe an earthquake. These experienced fishermen would have been well equipped to deal with such a storm, but on this day, an angry squall controlled the sea, laying claim to the disciples’ lives and hearts.
But Jesus was sleeping! Yes, this does show he was true man. Jesus was exhausted from a hard day’s work. Moreover, this shows he was true God. Only God could set aside fear and anxiety to rest in a deadly situation.
Faith and Fear (Matthew 8:25, Mark 4:37-38, Luke 8:23-24)
Of what were the disciples afraid? The obvious answer is that they were afraid of drowning. The fishermen had lost control and lost all hope for survival. They had done all they could to rescue themselves, and their failure would result in death. Only in the face of failure did they finally look to Jesus.
The disciples also had a more serious fear. They asked Jesus, “Don’t you care?” I’ve asked God this question too. When my heart is broken; when the world is out of control; when life does not make sense, the storm in my heart rages and questions God’s love. In these times, my faith fails to prove commitment to God. Instead, I want to know, “Is God committed to me?”
Conversation Starters:
- Failure is a painful human experience. Can you think of other Bible characters who failed? How did God use their failures?
- Describe failures that have forced you to look to God.
- What did fear force the disciples to do? Has God used fear in your life?
What Kind of Man is This? (Matthew 8:27, Mark 4:41, Luke 8:25)
With a straightforward rebuke, creation obeyed her master. The Word had spoken, spreading peace across the sky and waters. Jesus’ rescue was simple. His power was absolute. If he can rule the wind and the waves and banish the storms with his breath, surely he can cast out my fears and rule my heart!
Day by day, the disciples learned more about who Jesus was and his commitment to them. Did he care? Soon they would see the extent of his love as he stayed upon the cross to die for every person who ever doubted and for every human who succumbed to fear.
Faith is not about my commitment to Jesus. Faith is looking to the one who is committed to me.
Conversation Starter:
- Do you love the verse “Be still and know that I am God?” Read all of Psalm 46, and list the reasons we can be still.
Digging Deeper
Seeds of Faith provides Law and Gospel points as well as helpful discussion questions.
This is my all-time favorite song based on Psalm 46.
1NT 11B
Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man — Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26

This miracle is still early in Jesus’ ministry, and the religious leaders were now on high alert. Jesus’ actions and claims did not line up with their expert opinions of the law, and his teachings were gaining an alarming following. Scribes and Pharisees from all over came to see the Rabbi who was rising in popularity. It was time to strategize his demise.
The religious leaders weren’t the only ones arriving in droves. The good news of the gospel that Jesus spoke was spreading. Crowds arrived to hear his unique and powerful message.
Big Ideas
Bringing A Friend to Jesus (Matthew 9:2 , Mark 2:3-5 , Luke 5:18-20)
The paralyzed man had the best friends one could ask for. Not only were they willing to carry him around, they were bold enough to cut a hole in the roof to get him before Jesus. Why were they bold? They were bold because of their faith. They were confident that if their friend was before Jesus, Jesus would help.
Jesus acknowledges the faith of the friends. It is because of them this man is before him. As we share the gospel with our unbelieving friends, we can remember that it is not our job to save them. It is just our job to bring them to Jesus.
Conversation Starter:
- How do we bring our friends to Jesus?
Your Sins are Forgiven (Matthew 9:2 , Mark 2:5, Luke 5:20)
Jesus looked past the obvious need and addressed the heart. There are many difficulties and obstacles that affect our lives and are in need of repair. However our biggest problem is our broken relationship with God caused by sin.
Notice everything Jesus required of the man before he forgave him. Notice everything Jesus commanded the man to do after. It was NOTHING! The only thing this man contributed to his own forgiveness was his great need of it.
Conversation Starter:
- A more literal translation for “your sins are forgiven” is “your sins are sent away.” Look up Isaiah 43:25 and Psalm 103:12 for more descriptions of forgiveness.
Which is Easier to Say…? (Matthew 9:4-8 , Mark 2:8-12 , Luke 5:21-26)
Every Sunday, we hear our pastors absolve us from our sins, but that authority had not yet been given to the church. By stating that this man was forgiven, Jesus claimed an authority that the religious leaders did not have. To forgive sins was something only God could do.
As God, Jesus was able to look into the hearts of the crowd. He understood the confusion and outrage. By forgiving the man, he claimed to be God. Next, he confirmed his message. By healing the man, he showed that he is God. The physical sign confirmed his power and authority, not just over his creation, but Jesus indeed had the authority to forgive.
Digging Deeper
Seeds of Faith provides Law and Gospel points as well as helpful discussion questions.
The following clip is from The Chosen. What did you like or dislike about this telling of the story?