Nettie – Picture of a Christian Mother
Pastor David Scharf recently mentioned a painting I made for him on a Time of Grace devotion. He talked about the example he saw in his mother, Annette – AKA Nettie, and the example we all set for future generations. Dave shared some thoughts with us on growing up and commissioning artwork.

From Pastor David Scharf:
My siblings and I had a paper route for many years. As the siblings who delivered papers changed, Mom waking us up for the route remained constant. One of the daily images burned into our memories was seeing Mom reading her Bible every morning as we groggily walked into the kitchen. You don’t realize it at the time, but that image served as a powerful example to stay close to Jesus in our faith walks.
There are 14 kids in the family, one of whom is in heaven (Erika was killed by a drunk driver in 1994). Mom was at home with us and did our devotions with us, said our prayers with us, and lived Jesus for us. She is a wonderful example of a Christian wife and mother.
In illustrating the importance of parents in a child’s faith life, I have for years referenced the impact of my mother.
When Jason had said he was open to commissions last year, I told him the idea and it went from there.
Jason picked the verse for this painting as I recall. I love Paul Gerhardt’s poetry and imagery, and I had provided Jason with a bunch of ‘favorite’ verses.
I dropped it off in Watertown at my parent’s house while picking up my daughters’ things from Luther Prep – it’s hanging in my parent’s bedroom.
The message the painting shares with viewers, I think, is just the power of an example.
You may not know who’s watching but what you do can serve as a great encouragement to others, especially your children. They pick up more than you know (or intend!)
Jason is a wonderful artist. I worked with him on a couple of things while I was at Immanuel in Greenville, WI. My wife is a high school friend. It seemed fitting that we’d ask him to do this for us.
Norman Rockwell was able to capture a moment like a photograph. Since the memory was so vivid, that realistic style seemed to fit.

“Without thinking too much about it in specific terms, I was showing the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed. And perhaps, therefore, this is one function of the illustrator. He can show what has become so familiar that it is no longer noticed.“
-Norman Rockwell
This painting serves in many ways: For Dave and his family, it’s a touching tribute to Nettie. For the rest of us it’s a reminder of the importance of personal Bible study, the value of solitude, and the examples we unwittingly set for others.
Reproductions of this painting are available as framable prints and cards at http://www.jjjaspersen.com/prints