Lions and Zebras
You see a herd of zebras grazing. The group moves together, somewhat like a slow school of fish or a flock of migrating birds or a large crowd making its way to a show-stopping attraction. The herd of zebras exists as a large extended family. They graze together, travel together, camp together.
Off in the distance, there is tall grass and one ancient, twisted tree. The grass sways in the wind, and every so often there is a slight shifting movement near the ground. Zebras munch and take a few leisurely steps. Another shifting movement in the grass, slightly closer to the herd. This goes on all morning.
The shifting lion holds perfectly still for long periods broken by short careful movement toward the herd. The lion only moves a few inches every time. The lion constantly watches the herd, studying its members. Some are careless, wandering away naively. There are those in their prime. These are strong, fast, wary, and potentially delicious. The lion makes another careful lurch forward staying low and then holding perfectly still.

Two young zebras notice the movement and go on eating. They have seen the lion before and have even seen other zebras ripped to shreds and devoured by the lion. So far they have escaped unharmed.
The lion inches forward and stops.
The herd moves a few steps away and continues to graze. They all know about the lion. The two young zebras lag behind. There is still good grass to eat. One young zebra stares at a mob of dung beetles frantically dividing up a zebra dropping.
The lion moves again.
The beetles pack the dung into perfect spheres and roll them away with their hind legs pushing the dung ball and front legs moving along the ground. The beetles move quickly, pushing the spheres backward unable to see where they are going. Each beetle tucks away a stash in their hole in the ground.

There is quiet… and the two young zebras bask in the sunlight of midday. The noise of hoofs makes the two young zebras look towards the herd. They notice the herd running away and instinctively lurch to run with them. The beetle expert feels a sudden weight on its back. The weight is accompanied by stripes of searing pain that seem to begin at the hindquarters. The pain is mixed with surges of panicky adrenaline as the zebra continues to run aimlessly under the unbearable weight. The zebra’s legs buckle. The lion jumps at zebra’s neck and sinks teeth deeply. Done.
The other young zebra watches for a long time. The rest of the herd watches for a while and then continues grazing. It’s too late for anything to be done.
The lion eats everything possible and rests for a few days. His whole face is stained. He is temporarily satisfied.
Peter was one of Jesus’ closest disciples. He was part of the special Peter, James, and John group. He watched Judas Iscariot become distracted by his love of money just as the young zebra was distracted by bugs greedily hoarding dung. Judas Iscariot fell to the Lion. But Peter was also stalked by the Lion. Peter barely escaped thanks to Jesus’ love.
Peter wanted to tell you something. He said:
“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him standing firm in your faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kinds of sufferings.”
1 Peter 5: 8-9 (NIV)
Since the beginning of the world, Satan has been a stalker, trying to turn mankind from the love of God. Thank the Lord that we who are helpless against such a powerful enemy have a sure defender. The Almighty God himself, the creator of the universe…He who controls the movements of galaxies and the course of history…He protects us from the attacks of Satan. He protected Daniel from a whole den of hungry lions against all odds. He has provided assurance for his people. Nothing can snatch you from his love.
And, as usual, he has done this in the most unlikely, humble, illogical ways. The proud roaring beast that is Satan is soundly defeated by a little baby being born in a small town barn to a pair of seemingly normal, humble parents. All the clever legions of hell, Satan and all of his demons are utterly crushed by one homeless man being humiliated and executed as a criminal.
Praise be to God that we are defended by Jesus Christ the God-Man against all odds.

Peter made it clear that temptation is not unusual. He said, “your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kinds of sufferings.” (1 Peter 5:9) However, there is hope. Satan is on a leash, and God won’t let him loose on us. Peter encourages us to “Resist him.” Don’t fall for his lies!
When we willingly sin against God’s commands, our love for Christ has to be pushed aside. This is the real concern. To play with sin is to prioritize it. God is not concerned that you broke a rule, but that your faith may be weakened as a result. He wants you to make it through this life with your faith intact. God wants to provide for you forever. And he wants the same for your friends and family.
Cling to Christ. Stay with the flock. Nurture your faith with the Word and Sacraments.
Pray for strengthened faith to make it through this life which the book of Revelation names the Great Tribulation. Pray for your friends as well so that you will not have to watch as they fall away. Your king awaits you. Make sure that your friends and family can sit next to you at the great feast that waits in Heaven.

Prayer: Almighty God, our gracious Father in heaven, we come before you today on behalf of our loved ones. We thank you for the beautiful bonds of friendship and family. If we need to remind a friend or family member of your love, we know that you will provide the needed courage and the words to say. We pray that you work through our relationships to produce stronger faith in all of us. Grant that our friendships may continue into eternity in your presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
You can learn more about Jason’s work at JJJaspersen.com or connect with him on social media @JJJaspersen.