Christ-Light Connections,  Molly Parsons,  Resources

Christ-Light Connections: Daniel in the Lions’ Den & Esther

Daniel, Esther, and believers today live in a world that is opposed to God and his plans. Since the fall, the world has been infected with enmity toward God. Yet, as we reflect on history, God has always worked to protect and preserve his people.

Until the final day, when Christ returns to restore the earth, we faithfully wait and serve God in every trying circumstance, praying for the courage glorify him in all that we do.

The Christ-Light theme this week is dare to stand alone!

OT3 12A

Daniel in the Lion’s DenDaniel 6:1-28

Daniel and the Lions by Briton Rivière, 1890


In 538 B.C, the new Medo-Persian Empire ruled Babylon. This government would set the Israelite captives free and allow them to return to their homeland. About 50,000 returned to rebuild, but many, including Daniel, remained in Babylon.

Big Ideas

Daniel’s Character (Daniel 1:8-21)

Daniel’s character reminds us of Joseph, Jacob’s son. Both men were exiled at a young age in a foreign land and remained faithful to God. God blessed them each with wisdom and understanding so that they were promoted to positions of leadership and authority. Because of the light of their faith and obedience to God, many people throughout the world were blessed.

It is not surprising that the satraps were jealous of Daniel’s wisdom, power, and favor with the king, especially since he was a foreigner. How infuriating it must have been to find no scandal or corruption in Daniel.

Conversation Starters:

  • You may notice parallels between this story and Christ’s death and resurrection. Who was jealous of Jesus and why?
  • Look up Matthew 5:16. How does this verse connect to Daniel’s life?

Daniel’s Response to Persecution (Daniel 6:10)

The law of the Medes and Persians here and also in the book of Esther was considered irrevocable. To change the law would be to admit that a mistake had been made. Mistakes were something that the “gods” did not do.

It would have been tempting for Daniel to changes his prayer habit from public to secret. He could have rationalized it by thinking, “I need to live through this so that I can continue to be a leader for God’s people.” Instead, Daniel responded to the king’s edict by simply not responding. He did not change his habits. He had always been open about his faith. If he had decided to hide his prayers out of fear, it would have been the same as denying God. 

Conversation Starter:

  • Of what did Daniel’s prayers consist? Why is this significant during this time of persecution? (Daniel 6:10)

Daniel’s Death and Resurrection (Daniel 6:16-23)

Do you see the similarities between Christ’s story and Daniel’s? Daniel, although blameless, was sentenced to death, put in what was to be his grave. A stone was placed over the entrance, and it was sealed shut. Miraculously, Daniel was set free from death to the glory of God.

Conversation Starters:

  • What other similarities do you notice?
  • Daniel’s story gives us an example of faith in the face of persecution, but Jesus’ gives us so much more. What do Jesus’ death and resurrection give to us?

God is Glorified

Even as Darius sent Daniel into the den, he wanted to believe in Daniel’s God (Daniel 6:16) but did not know him. Through his own miraculous power, God rescued Daniel from certain death bringing glory to his name. 

Conversation Starters:

  • How did this miracle affect the king and the community? (Daniel 6:25-28) 
  • What stories from Israel’s history do you think could have given Daniel the courage to stand alone?

Digging Deeper

The Seeds of Faith resource provides Law and Gospel points as well as discussion questions. 

OT3 12B

EstherEsther 1-5, 7-9

Queen Esther (1879) by Edwin Long


Sometimes God changed the course of history through great miraculous events. Here in the book of Esther, we see God’s hand at work, quietly guiding and influencing circumstances to protect and bless his people. The book is unique in that there is no mention of God’s name, yet his presence and influence are undeniable. 

The story takes place just after the captivity of Judah has come to an end. Some Israelites have already returned to the promised land, and more would follow soon. God kept his promise to preserve a remnant of his chosen people and bring them back to the land where the messiah was prophesied to be born.

The current ruler, Xerxes, had a reputation for wealth, vanity, and hot-headedness. Historical stories include extreme and rash behavior that lacked common sense.

Big Ideas

Esther’s Weakness (Esther 2:1-18, 4:9-12)

Esther was a beautiful Jewish orphan. In many ways, the faith and actions of this young woman are more relatable than heroes like Daniel since her weaknesses are more apparent. First, notice she was compelled to hide her Jewish heritage while she was in the palace. She would not have been able to worship God or follow his rules for clean eating (Esther 2:10). The conversation between Esther and Mordecai also reveals her reluctance to risk her life for her people. However understandable it is, it is undeniable that Esther was a sinner who did not fully trust in the LORD.

The point is not to pick on Esther for her failures; rather, it is to know that God uses sinners!

Conversation Starters:

  • Why do you think Esther hid her nationality? Do you think this was wrong?
  • What tempts us to hide our faith?

Hopeless Situation (Esther 3:1-15)

It is not clear why Mordicai refused to bow to Haman. It may have been a show of faith, or it may have been a battle of egos. However, because of one man, the entire nation was doomed to destruction. The laws of the Medes and Persians were unchangeable, leaving God’s people with little hope for salvation.

Conversation Starter:

  • God’s salvation story repeats over and over again throughout the pages of scripture. How does this story remind us of his redemption plan for the whole world?

Such a Time as This (Esther 4:12-17)

Notice Mordicai’s speech to Esther begins with “who knows?” This reminds us that Mordicai and Esther did not know God’s will or what the outcome would be. Had God had been working behind the scenes all along to put Esther in a position to rescue the Jews? Was it all coincidence, or was it God’s providence?

Mordicai’s words present to Esther an opportunity to serve and also a threat. If she would not help her people, God would find another way. The salvation of God’s people did not depend on a sinful girl. It depended on God. When she states, “If I perish, I perish,” Esther is realizing that her only option is to obediently act in faith and hope that the God she is putting her faith in would deliver.

Mordecai’s speech humbles us all, reminding us that God wants us to serve him. However, he does not need us to serve him.

Conversation Starters:

  • How does Satan use uncertainty to destroy faith? How does God use uncertainty to build faith?
  • Which is more important: a strong faith or faith in a strong God?

Hidden God (Esther 1-10)

Like Esther, most of us do not experience dramatic miracles, hear God’s voice, or receive prophecies to guide our actions. Although God’s name is not actually written in the book of Esther, his presence is evident throughout.

Conversation Starters:

  • Review the story and name all the coincidences, large and small, that you think were the guiding hand of God.
  • Have you experienced coincidences in your life that you believe were from God?
  • What other ways do you see God hidden in our world?

Digging Deeper

The Bible Project

The Seeds of Faith resource provides Law and Gospel points as well as discussion questions. 

Molly Parsons is a ministry assistant, teacher, mother, and wife. She is currently serving at Faith Lutheran in Fond du Lac, WI. Her ministry passion is to help connect and equip parents with spiritual resources to enable them to be a part of the faith development of their children.

One Comment

  • Cindy A Weigand

    THANK YOU so much for doing these for each story. I love your Christ-centered, gospel filled insight.

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