The Chosen Discussion Opportunity
Did you take my advice and check out The Chosen television series? I hope that you did and that you are now eager to discuss it with your friends from Bread for Beggars. If you haven’t watched it yet, go back and check out HOW TO WATCH THE CHOSEN. Then come back and learn about this discussion opportunity.
This week I will be hosting two Zoom Discussion opportunities, and I would love to have you join me for one (or both) of them.
The discussions will take place:
Thursday, April 30 from 5:30-7:00 pm CST
Sunday, May 3 from 9:30-10:30 am CST
Interested in joining the discussion?
Here is what you need to do. Use this link to fill out this form that will enable us to send you a Zoom link and password. The same links and password will allow you to join in either of the discussions. The plan is to follow the same format for each of the conversations. The content covered will be the same, but the participants will be different; so you are more than welcome to join in both discussions if you just can’t get enough of The Chosen.
What should you do to prepare for The Chosen discussion?
Obviously, if you have not watched the series, now is the time to do so. Again, here is how to watch. However, even if you have seen the whole series already, you may want to watch some or all of the episodes again. I am working through the series for my fourth time now, and each time I get more out of it.
Questions to Consider as You Prepare
Here are the questions that I am going to use to guide our discussion. Please take some time to work through them in preparation for the discussion. You will get much more out of our 90 minutes together if you have done your homework.
1) What was your favorite episode in the series? What was it about this particular episode that made it so meaningful and memorable for you? How did this episode cause you to see things differently or more deeply?
- S1E1 I Have Called You By Name
- S1E2 Shabbat
- S1E3 Jesus Loves the Little Children
- S1E4 The Rock on Which It Is Built
- S1E5 The Wedding Gift
- S1E6 Indescribable Compassion
- S1E7 Invitations
- S1E8 I Am He
2) Who was your favorite character in the series? What did you like most about the presentation of your favorite character? What if anything didn’t you like about their characterization?
- Jonathan Roumie as Jesus
- Erick Avari as Nicodemus
- Elizabeth Tabish as Mary Magdalene
- Shahar Isaac as Simon Peter
- Noah James as Andrew
- Paras Patel as Matthew
- George Harrison Xanthis as John
- Kian Kavousi as James
- Giavani Cairo as Thaddeus
- Jordan Walker Ross as James the Lesser
- Lara Silva as Eden, Simon Peter’s wife
- Ivan Jasso as Yussif, a Pharisee
- Shaan Sharma as Shmuel, a Pharisee
- Brandon Potter as Quintus, a Roman official
- Kirk B.R. Woller as Gaius, a Roman soldier, and associate of Matthew
- David Amito as John the Baptist
- Vanessa Benavente as Mary
- Nick Shakoour as Zebedee
- Joey Vahedi as Thomas
3) Who was your least favorite character in The Chosen? What didn’t you like about their characterization? What changes or additions would you make to their portrayal?
4) What was your favorite scene in the series? How would you describe that scene to someone who hasn’t seen The Chosen?
5) What was your least favorite scene in the series, and why? If you could rewrite the script for that scene, what alternative approach would you take?
5) What was the most memorable line for you in the whole series? In what context was it spoken?
6) If there was a single line or two of speech that you would remove from the series, what would it be? What was it about that line that didn’t sit right with you? (Note: I have a couple of them myself)
7) In what ways has The Chosen expanded your understanding of the place and time of Jesus? Historically? Culturally? Religiously?
8) What law/gospel presentation moment in the series was the most powerful and profound for you? What made it have this kind of impact?
9) Which Bible story are you most excited for future seasons of The Chosen to portray?
10) Dallas Jenkins and the other creators of The Chosen took a great risk in doing this new thing with telivised historical biblical fiction. Do the benefits of this series outweigh the drawbacks?
11) What sort of impact has the series had on your walk of faith?
See You Soon
Have a great week, and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday and Sunday for this unique discussion.
Blessings on your viewing and study.