“Seven Feasts that Point to Christ” — An Incredible Undertaking by Kenyan Lutheran Artist Fred Anchao
It is my hope and prayer that the friends, followers, and supporters of the Bread for Beggars community are even in these crazy times being blessed by all of the incredible art and music that is being shared by The Community of WELS Creatives and other Christian artists.
I want to personally thank all those who have made time to share their musical gifts as part of the Bread for Beggars Online Festival. If you have not done so please check these concerts out on the Bread for Beggars Facebook Page.
Although I am disappointed that the first-ever in-person Bread for Beggars Festival will have to wait until June of 2021, I along with many of you have been greatly blessed by the online offerings. Today, however, I want to share with you a truly incredible work of art being created by Kenyan Lutheran artist Fred Anchao of Kenyan Christian Arts.
Fred has been following the Bread for Beggars community for several years and when he heard about the Bread for Beggars Festival he wanted to get involved. He shared with me, videos and pictures of the carvings and etchings that he does in soapstone and said please ask me to create something for the festival.
When Fred heard the theme of the festival was “Seven Feasts that Point to Christ” he got to work right away on an ambitious undertaking of seven 24 x 24-inch soapstone panel carvings. Each of the panels would depict one of the seven Old Testament Festivals in Leviticus 23. I had no idea how they would turn out but the works are sensational even in photo form. Before the festival was postponed Fred and his community had already completed three of the pieces and have since completed four more.
Even though Fred was greatly disappointed that the festival was postponed for a year that has not stopped him AND his whole community of helpers from continuing the project. In fact, Fred plans to make not just seven panels but has a plan to create a separate set depicting how each of the feasts fulfills or points to Christ in the New Testament era.
Wow! This sensational set alone will be, in my humble opinion, a reason to attend the Bread for Beggars Festival in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin next June.
Fred has continued to provide me with update videos and photos as the project unfolds. As you will see from the photos and videos this endeavor has become a labor of love not just for Fred, but for his whole village.
Please take the time to check out these incredible works and learn about the way in which you can support Fred and his village of artists during these difficult times. Fred’s region of Kenyan has been greatly impacted physically and financially by COVID 19. Additionally, his village’s water purification system broke down and his family and workers are carrying potable water many miles each day. In addition to trying to help support the needy in his village, Fred is heading up the efforts to raise the $63,000 needed to buy a new system, a tremendous expense for his community.
Please keep your Kenyan Lutheran Artists brothers and sisters in your prayers and consider making a donation to help bring Fred’s incredible labor of love to fruition, allowing him to complete the project and provide funds for the very expensive shipping of the soapstone panels. At this point Bread for Beggars has only been able to compensate Fred for the cost of mining and preparing the soapstone panels.
For the next two weeks, until Friday, April 24, ALL one-time donations that come into Bread for Beggars will be forwarded to Fred Anchao and his artist community.
Please prayerfully consider a donation and share this appeal with your family and friends. Your support will serve as a thank you for this incredible contribution to the festival and also support them during this time of great need. Thank you in advance for your support. You can also support Fred by visiting his website Kenyan Christian Arts.