Arts,  How Great Thou Art,  Michael Zarling,  Modern

Undefeated by the Devil

With an unblemished record of 49-0, world heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Marciano hung up his leathers in 1956 – retiring as the only undefeated heavyweight champion in boxing history. 49 victories. 43 by knockout.

We marvel at greatness.

We have a God who is undefeated. Over the next few weeks, we will see that he is undefeated by the devil, by skepticism, by spiritual blindness, by dysfunction, and by death. Marvel at his greatness!

Into the glorious, wonderful paradise of Eden, Satan slithered as a snake. He wormed his way into the hearts of Adam and Eve.

In their first-ever bout with the Serpent from hell and the Crown of God’s creation, Adam and Eve were soundly defeated. With only a few questions … they were knocked out.

After they picked themselves up off the ground and brushed off the dust, they realized they were naked. They ran into the bushes to cover themselves with fig leaves.

God entered Eden and surveyed the battlefield. He saw the evidence of defeat all around him – the half-eaten fruit, the bare branches on his fig trees, and his children cowering behind the bushes. God didn’t hunt them down and hurl them into the eternal abyss, though. He didn’t challenge them.

Instead, he challenged Satan.

Like two boxers standing toe-to-toe at the weigh-in, God stood toe-to-toe with Satan. He challenged him to a fight. Winner take all. Satan against God’s Champion.

He declared, “I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will crush his heel” (Genesis 3:15).

God did not announce when or where this bout would take place. He didn’t even say who his Champion would be. That must have driven the devil crazy! “Which newborn will be my nemesis?!”

Satan knew that although he would get in a quick, cobra-like strike on the promised offspring, he would not win. The God who created the universe with a word had just given his word that victory was assured.

Still, over the centuries, the serpent struck. The devil lied. Satan accused. The strong man threw his temper tantrums.

Satan used King Herod to try to kill the infant Jesus with the swords of his soldiers. The infant escaped.

The devil salivated as he tempted the Son of Man mercilessly in the dry desert. The Son of Man ordered, “Go away, Satan” (Matthew 4:10)!

When the devil finally recognized the Promised Seed of the woman, he let out a barrage of pugilistic strikes. He threw his jabs of hate and lust. A stab of pride and envy. But the hands that knew no sin blocked every one of them. Satan couldn’t touch the Son of God.

So Satan entered one of Jesus’ closest friends. Jesus told the Satan-possessed Judas Iscariot, “Do it quickly” (John 13:27). Satan tried to be so sneaky, but Jesus knew the secret the whole time. He allowed the betrayal to begin his victory over Satan.

Generations had passed. The serpent had waited. Millennia had gone by. The serpent flicked his forked tongue in anticipation. Now, as the offspring of Eve hung on the cross, the Ancient Serpent struck with a vengeance. He sank his fangs deep into the flesh of God’s Champion. The demons roared. The angels cringed. God’s Champion breathed his last.

The ancient serpent had won. Sin’s venom was too strong. Death had claimed another victim.

Not even close!

The seed of the woman slept in the grave for three days. Then he rubbed the sleep of death from his eyes and marched resolutely out of the tomb. His wounds were marks of victory. The demons cried. The angels sang. The saints praised. The martyrs cheered.

All around the battlefield lay the casualties of this epic war between the Lord of Sin and the Omnipotent Creator.

Death was broken. Sin had lost its sting. And the Ancient Serpent’s skull lay crushed.

The Promised Champion was still undefeated!

For the first 8 years of my ministry, I served at Faith Lutheran Church, an exploratory congregation in Radcliff, KY. I presently serve at Epiphany Lutheran Church and Wisconsin Lutheran School (WLS) in Racine, WI. I am also very involved with our youth as the WLS head soccer coach and the head counselor for WELS Training Camp, a youth camp for 3rd – 9th graders. I have been married to Shelley for 20 years. Together we have 4 beautiful daughters – Abigail, Miriam, Lydia and Gabrielle. We also have 2 dogs – Messi and Mia – named after Lionel Messi and Mia Hamm (the Zarling family really likes soccer!)

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