Jason J. Jaspersen,  Koine,  Music

Never Alone – WELS 2018 International Youth Rally Theme by Koiné

“Feel alone? Social distancing will do that to you. Actually, life will do that to you. Feel alone? All the time. Here’s the truth: You’re not!” My friend Pastor Nathan Nass, who serves at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Green Bay, WI, recently posted those words on Facebook with the reassuring message: “Jesus your Savior promises,

Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20″

Tracy Fedke, a member of Koiné Music Ministries, composed a beautiful song based on Jesus’ promise for the 2018 WELS International Youth Rally called “Never Alone.” I had the pleasure of creating four different sand animations interpreting the assuring words of Christ’s presence in our lives.

Read Tracy’s lyrics below, listen to the songs performed, and let me know which animation resonates most with you in the comments below as you remember you are never alone.

“Never Alone” Lyrics – Tracy Fedke (2018)

Sitting all by myself in the darkness, all I see are the dark clouds rising, seems there’s no one around who hears me, who understands, understands…

But then I hear you say, “My name is Jesus, I’ll help to see you through. My name is Jesus, and I have promised, you will never, no never be alone. I’ll be with you ‘til I carry you home; in the darkness, in the sunlight, no matter where you go.”

Thinking all on my own I can fix things, all I see are my troubles rising, seems there’s no one around to save me, there’s no one there, no one there…

But then I hear you say, “My name is Jesus, my grace I’ve given you. My name is Jesus, I’ve fixed it all for you. You will never, no never be alone. I’ll be with you ‘til I carry you home; in the darkness, in the sunlight, no matter where you go.”

When my faith is dim, when I feel like I’m falling, open up my eyes to trust in you. Even when you’re blinded, and cannot see the road before you, you can see it, you can see it, I will lead you home.

Give me strength to look to you for wisdom, for it’s there in your words I’ll find you. Seems there’s no one around who can help me, but you alone, you alone. And in your words you say,

“My name is Jesus, look to my name alone. My name is Jesus, my words will strengthen your steps home. You will never, no never be alone. I’ll be with you ‘til I carry you home; in the darkness, in the sunlight, no matter where you go.

“You will never, no never be alone. I’ll be with you ‘til I carry you home; in the darkness, in the sunlight, no matter where you go.”

Never alone. Never alone. Never alone.

Never Alone – Handshake (Lyric Video) by Koine – Video 1

Never Alone – Lonely (Lyric Video) by Koiné – Video 2

Never Alone – Wedding (Lyric Video) by Koiné – Video 3

Never Alone (Lyric Video) by Koiné – Video 4

Lyrics and Melody by Tracy Fedke – http://www.tracyfedke.com/. Performed by Koiné – http://www.koinemusic.com. Sand Art by Jason Jaspersen – http://www.jjjaspersen.com/. Recorded and Created for WELS International Youth Rally 2018 in Bowling Green, OH.

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