Festival,  Jason J. Jaspersen,  Technology

The XR Project and Festival

The XR Festival

at Bethany Lutheran College

Mankato, Minnesota 56001 USA

April 4, 2020

What is the XR Festival?

The Festival is designed to explore the potential for education and outreach in Extended Reality technology (XR). “Extended Reality” is an umbrella term that includes Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR).

Who should come?

Students: The upcoming generation is remarkably tech-savvy. At the Festival students will both learn and teach. Teams of high school and college students, working throughout the school year, have explored using Extended Reality for both education and outreach; their presentations will be the primary feature of the Festival. Other students may join the discussions and add their insights.

Teachers: Extended Reality (XR) technology is widely discussed as potentially important in education. The Festival will provide a forum for exploring whether and how that is true.

Christians interested in outreach: As a Christian school, Bethany Lutheran College considers the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ a primary obligation. Applications of XR technology for Christian outreach will be specifically discussed and demonstrated at the Festival.

Caregivers, their teachers, and those they serve: Those who care for others, both professionals and family members, will find applications in autism, aphasia, mental and physical health, alzheimers, speech and language therapy, the elderly and homebound, and many others.

Business leaders: Virtual Reality (VR) is finding many applications in sales, real estate, engineering, and design.

The general public: Anyone interested in technology, and in possible investments in XR technology in schools and businesses, will find the Festival valuable.

Festival Agenda

Friday April 3 (for early arrivers)

5:00 – 7:00 p.m.                    Registration open

5:00 p.m.                                Dinner

6:30 – 9:00 p.m.                    Mixer – eXtended Reality demos

Saturday April 4

8:00 – 9:00 a.m.                    Registration open

8:15 a.m.                                 Welcome breakfast

9:00 – 9:50 a.m.                    Christine Lion-Bailey Keynote

10:00 – 11:20 a.m.                Showcase I: eXtended Reality in education

11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.        Breakout sessions 1

12:30 p.m. lunch

1:30 – 2:20 p.m.                    Brian Klebig Keynote

2:30 – 3:50 p.m.                    Showcase II: eXtended Reality in outreach

4:00 – 4:50 p.m.                    Breakout sessions 2

5:00 – 6:30 p.m.                    Supper and free time

6:30 – 7:30 p.m.                    “Next Steps” assembly

7:45 – 9:00 p.m.                    Demos, entertainment

Consultations with Prof. Lion-Bailey can be scheduled during the day and evening.

Festival Features and Speakers

Realize: this is not for Geeks only!  Tech-savvy students might be especially interested. But XR can involve any student who is curious and creative, even if not “techie.”

Student Presentations

In the fall of 2019, schools were invited to form student teams to explore the question: How can XR technology be used for education and outreach? At this point we know of eight such student teams. Their findings and discoveries will be presented in showcases at the Festival.

Keynote Presentations

Christine Lion-Bailey

Expert in emergent XR technology and its impact on learners, Christine Lion-Bailey has promoted AR and VR in her own “Certified Future-Ready” New Jersey school district and in local, national, and international conferences. A Google-for-Education certified innovator, a BrainPop certified educator, and adjunct professor of educational technology at Ramapo College of New Jersey, she is Chief Strategy Officer for Ready Learner One LLC, providing educational solutions with emergent technology for educators in K-12 and higher ed. Her new book, Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Realitycame out in January 2020. Prof. Lion-Bailey says, “By leveraging VR, educators can expose students to the world far beyond the walls of their communities, make international connections that build empathy and awareness, and foster informed and motivated global citizens who will someday become global decision makers.” Read more.

Brian Klebig

Bethany’s own Brian Klebig brings to the Festival his experience as a designer and manager of the CARISMA state-of-the-art VR Laboratory at Michigan State University. A professor of Communication at Bethany Lutheran College and Seminary, and an ordained Lutheran minister, Dr. Klebig has devoted many years to discovering ways of using technology of all kinds to reach new audiences with Gospel messages.

Additional Features

XR Demos by ByteSpeed

our corporate partner

Breakout Sessions

to discuss challenges, resources, and opportunities

  • Discuss the book Reality Bytes with its author Christine Lion-Bailey
  • Experience Bethany Lutheran College’s E-Sports Varsity competition
  • Explore Bethany Lutheran College’s Division I Hockey telecasts
  • Learn about Bethany Lutheran College’s Media Arts Major
  • Hear about and experience services to schools available from ByteSpeed, our Festival partner


All are welcome to the Festival!

The registration fee of $30/person covers access to all Festival activities, three meals on Saturday, eligibility for door prizes, and all Festival materials. Please choose the appropriate registration form from the two below.

(And please register in advance so we can plan for you.)

1. Use this form if you are registering as an individual.

2. Use this form if you are registering yourself and a group of students from your school. If you are from a Lutheran high school please read the note below.

Lodging in Mankato, if needed, is your responsibility. See this list of local facilities.

Special note for attendees from Lutheran High Schools:

Generous donors have supplied funding designated to encourage your participation in the Festival in these ways:

  • Bethany Lutheran College can offer your students lodging in its residence halls at a rate of $10/student per night. Your students will be assigned either to share space with current Bethany students or to vacant rooms as available. For this, registrations must be received by Tuesday, March 3. (Sorry, this is available only to students; leaders will need to make other arrangements.)
  • We can assist you financially with your transportation costs, proportional to your distance from Mankato. Contact Festival planners for details.
  • Bethany Lutheran College will provide airport transportation between MSP and Mankato if needed.


We thank these persons and organizations for their support.


For more information, contact Dr. Tom Kuster at tkuster@blc.edu

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