Michael Zarling,  Star Wars

The Sin of the Mandalorian

Huge spoilers ahead!

The title of episode 3 of The Mandalorian is “The Sin.” The episode begins with Mando’s ship, the Razor Quest, flying in space after leaving Arvala 7 at the end of episode 2. Mando and his bounty are flying to a backwater planet in the outer rim so he can deliver his bounty to the client.

Right after the Razor Quest comes out of hyperspace, Baby Yoda – Mando’s bounty – climbs out of his basinet in the cockpit of the ship. Baby Yoda is then standing on the dashboard removing a metal ball from what looks like a lever (it looks very similar to the hyperspace lever on the Millennium Falcon). Baby Yoda plays with the ball and sticks it into his mouth. Mando takes the ball away from him and puts it on the dashboard saying, “It’s not a toy.” Then he puts Baby Yoda back in the basinet.

After they land, Mando takes Baby Yoda to the facility of his client, Werner Herzog, so he can collect his bounty. He is met at the entrance by Stormtroopers. Mando isn’t pleased with the way they treat Baby Yoda – yanking his basinet around and poking him like he’s a piece of meat and not the cutest being in the galaxy. Far and away cuter than Ewoks and far, far away cuter than Porgs.

The Bounty by GronHatchat

After handing Baby Yoda over to Herzog, Herzog and Doctor Pershing examine the kid as if he is some kind of specimen.

Mando questions Herzog’s intentions for the kid. Herzog questions Mando’s loyalty to the bounty hunter code. The code of the bounty hunter is to never ask questions once the bounty has been turned over.

Mando’s payment for successfully handing over the bounty is an ice cream maker full of Baskar – the metal for making Mandalorian armor. Baskar deflects laser blasts and Jedi lightsabers. (The ice cream maker is a deep Easter egg from The Empire Strikes Back.

Mando takes his Baskar back to the Mandalorians to have new armor made. He also has “whistling birds” fashioned for his gauntlet.

In his shiny new Baskar armor, Mando is sitting in the Razor Quest ready to leave to collect a new bounty. You can sense the tension behind Mando’s mask as he prepares his ship to leave. He reaches for the lever, but notices that the metal ball is laying on the dashboard. This reminds him of the kid he had protected from death by IG-11 and the Jawas on Arvala 7, and now handed over to be experimented on by Doctor Pershing and Werner Herzog.

The rest of the episode is Mando going John Wick on the Stormtroopers and bounty hunters to rescue Baby Yoda.

M for Mandalorian by Kyber02

The Sin

Why is this episode entitled The Sin? Some Star Wars reviewers speculate that the sin is Mando breaking the bounty hunter’s code. It is a sin of commission in actively doing what he should not be doing.

Other reviewers speculate that the sin is Mando breaking the Mandalorian code by working for the remaining Imperials for Beskar that is imprinted with the Imperial logo. The Empire had invaded the Mandalorian planet and killed most of the Mandalorians and stolen their Beskar. It is a sin of commission in actively doing what he should not be doing.

I believe the Sin of the Mandalorian is the sin of omission. He passively did not do what he should have done. He should not have handed over the cutest 50-year-old baby in the galaxy. The five decade old infant will be experimented on, probably cloned, and then killed.

That realization is seen in Mando’s unseen face when he reaches for the metal ball on the lever. That is the turning point. That’s when Mando turns back to protect the kid. He finds his redemption in his action of rescuing Baby Yoda.

Our Sin

If we ever contemplate our own sin, we usually think about our sins of commission. These are sins of action. Sins of passion. Sins of the flesh. Sins like carousing and drunkenness, sexual sins and wild living, even strife and jealousy (Romans 13:13).

The sins we often neglect are the sins of omission. These are the sins of inaction. Sins of indifference. Sins of apathy.

We just don’t care enough to do what God wants us to do. St. James puts it succinctly, “For the one who knows the right thing to do and doesn’t do it, this is a sin” (James 4:17).

Jesus points out that we can demonstrate love to others with our actions. But the opposite is also true. We can demonstrate a lack of love with our inactions. “Amen I tell you: Just as you did not do it for one of the least of these, you did not do it for me” (Matthew 25:45).

Words said and actions done – sins of commission – can hurt and wound us. But words unsaid and actions undone – sins of omission – can cause even greater wounds and deeper scars.

The husband pours himself into his job trying to get ahead in business. He ignores his wife and neglects his children. His wife looks for love elsewhere – in her children and romance novels. She becomes cold to her husband and overbearing to her children. Her children become resentful of their father’s lack of attention and feel smothered by their mother’s helicopter parenting. The son eventually treats his girlfriend with inattention, following the example of his father. The daughter dates all the wrong kind of guys as she looks for the male love she didn’t receive from her father.

The sin of omission can have real and lasting effects – for Baby Yoda or for a real family.


Mando looked for redemption by rescuing Baby Yoda. Watching him fight the Stormtroopers and bounty hunters is some of the best TV you’ll see this year.

The Mandalorian by pungang

But we don’t have to compensate for our sins – neither our sins of commission or omission. Thankfully, we find our redemption in Jesus Christ.

St. Paul talks about redemption by saying, “clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:14). Being clothed with Christ means believing in him as your Savior. You accept the righteousness Christ has earned for you. You put on all the holy acts that Jesus did to cover all your passionate sins of commission. You put on all the holy acts that Jesus did to compensate for all your indifferent sins of omission.

Even though it might be a tight fit, you put on your baptismal gown. When God the Father sees you, he doesn’t see your dirty, shameful, sinful clothing. He sees the white robe of Jesus’ perfection that you are wearing. He no longer sees the wrong you’ve done. He no longer sees the right you’ve failed to do. He sees only the perfection that his Son has given to you and you have put on by faith.

Mando received Baskar for his new Mandalorian armor. You put on the armor of Christ (Romans 13:12).

The sin of omission was a very real sin for Mando. It could have had disastrous results in the Star Wars universe. The sin of omission is very real for us. We cannot begin to imagine what disastrous results come from this sins upon our life and family.

Gratefully and graciously we have a Savior. Jesus loves us so much he did what we could not to compensate for our passionate sins of commission. Jesus loves us so much he did what we did not do to cover over our indifferent sins of omission. He redeemed us. He rescued us. He clothes us in his righteous armor.

For the first 8 years of my ministry, I served at Faith Lutheran Church, an exploratory congregation in Radcliff, KY. I presently serve at Epiphany Lutheran Church and Wisconsin Lutheran School (WLS) in Racine, WI. I am also very involved with our youth as the WLS head soccer coach and the head counselor for WELS Training Camp, a youth camp for 3rd – 9th graders. I have been married to Shelley for 20 years. Together we have 4 beautiful daughters – Abigail, Miriam, Lydia and Gabrielle. We also have 2 dogs – Messi and Mia – named after Lionel Messi and Mia Hamm (the Zarling family really likes soccer!)

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