The Search
I like a good mystery. I like a story that keeps me guessing about the outcome. It is part of what I love about Episode VII. Where is Luke? Why did he leave? What could have gone so wrong after Return of the Jedi that Luke Skywalker has left everything behind?
Right away we are in the search. Poe Dameron has gone to Jakku to find the map that can lead to Luke Skywalker. He receives the information and then gives it to BB-8 because he is about to be captured by the First Order.
More mysteries: who is the First Order? How did an evil new Empire rise up after the old one was destroyed? Who is this new Darth Vader type character? How has the Republic grown so weak? Why is there a Resistance?
Kylo Ren captures Poe, but BB-8 gets away. BB-8 finds Rey, and she wants to help him get to the Resistance. The ex-stormtrooper Finn joins the group. They escape in the Millennium Falcon and later find Han Solo.
So many more questions: why was the Millennium Falcon on Jakku? What has Han been doing since Return of the Jedi? Why isn’t Princess Leia with them?

I love the mystery of Episode VII. I love that it didn’t give all the answers and that it makes me want to come back for more. The more I think about it, the more I can come up with questions: Why is Rey so powerful with the Force? Why did Maz have Luke’s old lightsaber? Why did C-3PO have a red arm? And on and on I can go.
The internet was full of debate about these questions after Episode VII, and people were excited to see how they were going to be answered.
Both in the story and outside of the story, people were seeking answers. The characters wanted to find the answer about Luke’s location. Star
Wars fans wanted to find many other answers about these new mysteries.
We live in a world in which information is easy to find. Today, one could even say that we have too much information. There is no way that one person could know all the information that is out there. There are days when I can’t even get to all of my emails. How could I possibly get to all the information available? I can’t even read all the Star Wars fan theories.
This mass of information can lead to confusion about the path to heaven. Lots of people claim to have the truth, and others claim that we can’t possibly know the truth about eternal salvation. Some people search endlessly through religious information trying to find the truth. They might even get frustrated by the different ideas and just give up.
God has given us the truth. He has made it easy. We don’t have to search very hard to find the truth. It has been around ever since the beginning of the world. Sure it took a while to be written down, but at first, people just shared the message through conversation. God has given us the Bible. It spells out his plan of salvation and makes it very simple.
God sent Jesus into the World to be our Savior.
Through faith in Jesus we have eternal life with God in heaven.
That’s it.
If you want more information about that, look to the Bible. God made it easy. We don’t have to earn it. Jesus was perfect for us. We don’t have to search all over the world; we have the Bible. We don’t have to go on the internet and search through thousands of theories about the path to heaven. God gave it to us through his Word. There are many Christians who believe it. They can tell us more.
While I certainly enjoy a good mystery story and I enjoy the mysteries of Episode VII, I don’t want a mystery when it comes to my salvation. I want to be certain of my eternal home. God makes me certain through his Word about Jesus.