Don’t Underestimate My Powers
Luke failed.
When last we saw him, he’d been defeated by Darth Vader. His hand had been cut off. He was left behind to heal while Lando and Chewie went off to search for Han.
And then Return of the Jedi begins.
In the last movie, he was overconfident. He thought he could take on Vader. He was wrong. This time, he’s not overconfident.
He’s confident.

He enters Jabba’s palace without a worry. See how he handles the guards? One Force-choke, and they back down. He stands before Jabba. “I’m taking Captain Solo. And his friends.” It’s not a threat. It’s a simple statement of fact. Luke knows what he’s going to do. “I warn you not to underestimate my powers.” He knows what he can do. Jabba can’t stop him.
Sure, Jabba dumps him into the rancor pit. Sure, Luke has to fight the beast. But even without his lightsaber, he takes the monster down.
And even captured, even about to be dumped into the Sarlacc Pit (Jabba has a thing for pits, doesn’t he?), even then, Luke gives Jabba the one final opportunity: “Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us, or die.”
Where did this confidence come from?
Luke’s been training. He’s come to grips with the fact that the Force is stronger than any enemy he might face. That while the Force doesn’t mean his life is easy, it means that he’s part of something bigger than himself. And he’s learned that the Force is with him. That’s why he can do so much when he walks into Jabba’s palace.
The Force is with him.
So get this: Luke is so confident, so awesome in Return of the Jedi because he trusts the Force.
Do you think he’d send his friends into danger if he didn’t trust that the Force was with him? Do you think he could talk to Jabba that way? Do you think he’d be able to face the rancor and not just freeze in place? His confidence is even enough to calm Han as they make their way out to the Sarlacc pit.
I wish I could be like that.
Have that kind of confidence that some unseen force was on my side. Can you imagine being able to be that confident?
I mean, I’m not asking for an easy life. That’d be swell, too, of course, but Luke wasn’t having an easy life in Return of the Jedi. He was facing down some big threats. The danger was real! But he was able to face all those threats with confidence that it would end well.
It’s almost like he read the script and knew he was going to get a happy ending.
I wish I could be like Luke, facing down those threats in my life. Heading into those challenges, not with overconfident swagger, not with entitlement, but with that kind of confidence. The kind of confidence that said, “Even if I’m not entirely sure how I’ll get there, I know I’ll have a happy ending.”
But it’s not like real life is a movie script. It’s not like someone has written my life story on the palms of his hands or anything. And while Luke has confidence in the Force, in this brainless energy field, I’d rather have something personal. Maybe even someone that would prove that he had my best interests in heart by dying for me.
I wish I could be like Luke. Part of something bigger than I am. Part of a great tapestry of many that have gone before, and many that will follow after. Taking all that has come before me, honoring it, while making it my own.
But maybe I’m asking too much.