Your kingdom come
What do these words mean, ‘Your kingdom come’? In his Small Catechism, Martin Luther answers the question:
God’s kingdom certainly comes by itself even without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may also come to us.
God’s kingdom comes when our heavenly Father gives his Holy Spirit so that by his grace we believe his holy Word and lead a godly life now on earth and forever in heaven.
When we think of a kingdom, we usually picture a castle, a throne, land, and armies. But when the Pharisees accused Jesus of being a Jewish king who wanted to take over Caesar’s empire, Jesus told him,
“My kingdom is not of this world.”
John 18:36
Rather than imagining Jesus’ kingdom as a physical place here on earth or a spiritual location in heaven, we think of the King being present among his people and exercising his divine authority in our hearts. That’s how Christ gives us the kingdom.

Pastor Aaron Goetzinger writes about the symbol for the Lord’s kingdom:
The kingdom of God is God’s rule in our hearts through his Word. Through the Spirit, he brings us from spiritual death to life. We are not in the realm of the flesh, but we are in the realm of the Spirit and have been delivered from the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of God’s Son.
This seal features a dove which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. God brings us and others into his kingdom as he sends his Holy Spirit, who calls us to trust in God through God’s holy Word.
In his Large Catechism, Martin Luther answers the question,
“What is God’s kingdom?”:
“Nothing other than what we learned in the Creed: God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, into the world to redeem and deliver us from the devil’s power (1 John 3:8). He sent him to bring us to himself and to govern us as a King of righteousness, life, and salvation against sin, death, and an evil conscience. For this reason, he has also given his Holy Spirit, who is to bring these things home to us by his holy Word and to illumine and strengthen us in the faith by his power” (Large Catechism, Part III, The Lord’s Prayer, par. 51).
Does it always seem like Jesus has control of his kingdom? There is an awful lot to be afraid of! The devil, his demons, and the world have a willing ally named “Old Adam.” This Old Adam dwells within each of us. He will gladly follow the ways of the world or give up the faith in the face of opposition.
Here we are facing the devil, the world and our own sinful flesh, and Jesus tells us, “Do not be afraid little flock.” What?! We are going up against overwhelming enemies. And then Jesus describes us as “little” and a “flock” of defenseless lambs and sheep. That’s not much comfort.
The comfort comes when Jesus promises, “Do not be afraid, little flock, because your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom”.
Luke 12:32
God’s kingdom is Christ’s rule in the heart of his people. Jesus has set up his throne in each of our hearts as Christians. He established his loving dominion over us when the Holy Spirit brought us to faith by the gospel. When we pray, “Your kingdom come,” we are praying that our faith continues to be nourished through the Means of Grace of the gospel in Word and Sacrament.
Jesus teaches us to be ready for his return on Judgment Day when he says,
Be dressed, ready for service, and keep your lamps burning. Be like people waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. Blessed are those servants, whom the master will find watching when he comes.
Luke 12:35-37
Jesus offers an unusual, but effective image of readiness. “Be dressed and ready for service with lamps burning” implies a specific readiness. It is a readiness which prepares us to welcome our Savior at any time. If Jesus comes quickly, we are ready. If Jesus delays, we are still ready. This readiness only comes through a life where God’s kingdom comes daily into our hearts. We are ready to serve in Christ’s kingdom.