Christ-Light Connections,  Molly Parsons

Christ-Light Connections: Abraham trusts in God & Abraham and Lot

The theme this week is through the gift of faith, believers are able to trust God completely.

Yikes! That is a tricky theme! Although God is indeed worthy of my trust, if I examine myself honestly, my trust has always been lacking. Over the next few weeks, we will study the Abraham narrative. Interestingly, this patriarch of the faith will prove to be a moral failure with wavering faith. Ask yourself, why would this man be counted as a hero of the faith and a friend of God?

As you study Abraham, watch out for children’s messages that aim to bolster his morality and make the story all about him rather than the God in whom he placed his trust. Even the theme Christ-Light has chosen for these two lessons can easily be misinterpreted! Abraham is NOT the hero! Abraham demonstrated again and again that he did not completely trust in God. The God who chose a sinner like Abraham and did not discard him for his faltering faith is the real hero. Watch as God patiently reveals his unwavering, steadfast nature to Abraham and his wife Sarah.

As the story of Abraham continues to unravel, we will see how God continues to strengthen Abraham’s faith through his promises and providing.

God Calls Abram by James Tissot

OT Set 1 4A

Abraham Trusts in God Genesis 11:30 – 12:20


Genesis now traces the line of Noah all the way to Abram. (Later God changes his name to Abraham.) Even though this is the recorded line of the Messiah, somewhere along the way belief in God was weakened or lost. In fact, Joshua 24:2 reveals that Abram worshipped false gods before he was called by God.

As far as candidates with which to begin a believing nation, Abram was arguably a poor choice. Not only did he worship false gods, but he was old and married to a barren woman.

This map from shows Abram’s path.

Big Themes

God called Abram (Genesis 12:1-3)

God takes the initiative and calls Abram. He commands him to leave his family, and his home to go to a land that would one day belong to his descendants. We see the creation of faith in Abram’s heart as he obeys, leaving his home and worshiping God in a foreign land.

The calling of Abram is not just to begin a new nation, but it is ultimately about the Messiah through whom all nations would be blessed.

Conversation Starters:

  • Why did God choose Abram?
  • What gave Abram the courage to obey?
  • Why did God choose you?
  • Check out the illustration below based on Genesis 12:3. How are all nations blessed? (Make sure you zoom in on the narrow trunk.)

“Say you are my sister.” (Genesis 12:10-20)

Most children’s Bibles do not include this portion of Abram’s narrative. However, it is a blessing for sinners to study because it reminds us that righteousness is not about our own steadfastness or the strength of our faith but rather it is about in whom that faith is in. The depth of Abram’s sin is rather appalling. He lacked trust in God, lied, put himself before his wife, caused his wife to commit adultery, and profited greatly from all of it! Later in Genesis 20:1-18, Abram commits the same sin again! Yet, God did not renege on his covenant with Abram. Instead, he rescued Sarai, their marriage, and the promise.

We would never use this portion of scripture to say that sin is okay. These huge moral failings of the heroes of faith cause us to marvel at the never-ceasing mercy of God. As I struggle with my own sins over and over again, I feel freer to be honest about them before a God of such great mercy. I am comforted by the reminder that my righteousness before God has nothing to do with my personal victories over sin, but everything to do with Christ’s victory over sin for me.

Conversation starters:

  • Why was Abram afraid?
  • How does fear bring about temptation?
  • Parents, can you think of ways in which fear has lead you into sin?
  • How does the way in which God deals with Abram comfort us?

Digging Deeper

The Seeds of Faith resource provides context and deeper connections. Their lesson also includes more chapters about God’s covenant with him.

40 Minutes in the Old Testament,

OT Set 1 4B

Abraham and LotGenesis 13,14

The Caravan of Abram by James Tissot


Abram’s and Lot’s possessions, people, and animals had grown so large in number that they could no longer share the land. Abram realized that it was time to separate. Many commentators focus on the generosity of Abram as he gives Lot the first choice of the land. However, I would also add that Abram allowed his nephew to choose the land that proved to be both physically and spiritually dangerous. I’m not comfortable highlighting Abram’s generosity as a virtue.

Big Themes

The dangerous Promised Land (Genesis 13:1-14:24)

As Abram and Lot outgrew the area in which they had settled, we remember that the land was promised to Abram and not yet owned by him. Canaan was still occupied by heathen cities and nations.

As Lot chooses to live close to dangerous Sodom, we can relate to the natural consequences that ensued. The world we live in is filled with danger and turmoil caused by the sin around us. Sometimes we can see it for what it is and avoid it, sometimes we cannot. This sin broken world can be like a drainpipe swirling and circling us closer and closer to death.

Conversation starters:

  • In what ways do we choose to live close to the dangers of sin?
  • What consequences do we face?

Abram rescues Lot (Genesis 14:13-16)

Abram is a Christ-like figure in this portion of the narrative. Seemingly without fear, he plans and carries out his attack against Lot’s captors. Not only does he rescue Lot, but he recovers his people and possessions.

Conversation starter:

  • How does Christ rescue us from this dangerous world and from death?

Digging Deeper

The Seeds of Faith resource provides context and deeper connections.

Unfortunately, the 40 Minutes in the Old Testament Podcast does not include much about this portion of the Abram narrative.

Please share any questions, comments, or additional resources in the comment section below.

Molly Parsons is a ministry assistant, teacher, mother, and wife. She is currently serving at Faith Lutheran in Fond du Lac, WI. Her ministry passion is to help connect and equip parents with spiritual resources to enable them to be a part of the faith development of their children.

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