Pentecost 7–Followers of Christ Support Kingdom Work
The Lord invites believers to take part in his kingdom work. What joy and privilege is ours to work in his harvest fields, to witness the power of the Spirit, and to support this ministry!
HT: Lesson summaries produced by Rev. Joel Gawrisch and Rev. Jonathan E. Schroeder for Planning Christian Worship Year C.
God of all power and might, you are the giver of all that is good. Help us love you with all our heart, strengthen us in true faith, provide us with all we need, and keep us safe in your care; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Alleluia. Happy are they who hear the Word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience. Alleluia. (Luke 8:15 cf. RSV)
THE GOSPEL: LUKE 10:1-12, 16-20
Jesus sends out the seventy-two to proclaim peace to the people. But they go empty-handed. In this way, God’s people are given the opportunity to respond to God’s goodness by sharing all good things with his messengers. What a privilege to bear such good tidings and humbly receive such gifts! What joy to see the Word at work, accomplishing the purpose for which it is sent! As messenger or hearer, what grace to be numbered among those whose names are written in heaven!

Through the ministry of the Gospel God extends peace to the world. Through the preaching of the Word, the hand of the Lord is made known to his servants and the fury of the Lord is made known to his enemies. Where there was seeming defeat, there is now

Using harvest language, Paul is inspired to encourage our participation in the Lord’s kingdom work. In our “Me” oriented culture, bearing our own burdens seems tough enough. But the Lord calls on each of us to help bear each other’s burdens. What joy is ours to fulfill the love-law of Christ as we share the message not only of forgiveness in Christ Jesus but also of comfort for the

God provided for his prophet through a wonderful miracle. God could have kept providing for his prophet in that way, but he had another plan. He would give the people of God the privilege of providing for and supporting his minister. It was still a miracle; it was still the blessing of God that made it possible. But God in his wisdom wanted his Church to share in the work of supporting the ministry of the Word. And they were doubly blessed.

Christians supporting the work of the Gospel offer a fragrant offering and an acceptable sacrifice to God. Paul acknowledges with joy the generosity of the Philippian congregation. Even when he was not directly serving them, they continued to support his mission work by meeting his physical needs. What privilege it is to praise God by supporting the Lord’s kingdom work. In this way, the Lord continues to provide for his full-time servants in the church and promises even more: To those who give support to the Gospel, God promises to meet all their needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus!

God’s glory in Christ satisfies every insufficiency, every lack, every longing, and every loss. There is no human need that does not find its deepest answer in Jesus Christ–crucified and risen.
Christopher Powers–Full of Eyes
Psalm of the Day: Psalm 66
Chant: Psalm 66 by Chris Brunelle by Steven C. Warner
Hymn: I Love to Tell the Story as sung by Chris Rupp
Christian Worship # 570; O Christians, Haste
Not much out there again this week.
Questions to Consider
(Please share your answers/thoughts in the comments below)
- What is God saying to me in these lessons?
- For what do these lessons lead me to give thanks?
- What sins do these lessons lead me to confess?
- For what do these lessons lead me to pray?
- What is the connecting thought that sticks out the most in these lessons? What major theme(s) connect(s) all the lessons?
- Which piece of artwork did you find to be most beneficial? Why?

“Not much out there again this week.”
Patience, my son
You have a world of wonderful material for us children of God to absorb and share.
I tiptoe in and appropriate some to strengthen myself but in that mode I may not be up
for also making evaluations. Eventually. There are many puzzle pieces in God’s zigsaw.
Some of us must largely be place-holders until God grants the dispensation. Thanks
for your collective offerings!
Hungry Beggar