For the Joy Set Before
When I’m in the midst of a depressive episode, I hate hearing that Jesus loves me.
Well, of course, he loves me. He has to. I’m part of the world. He loves everyone. Big deal. He shouldn’t love me. I don’t have anything to offer him. If he got to pick and choose, I know that he wouldn’t love me.
Does that sound familiar?
Depression can offer the worst deception because there’s a tiny nugget of truth in it.
The whispers are right when they say you offer nothing to God. At least nothing he needs. And it’s not like you can pay for any of your sins. And in that, you are the same as every other human who has ever lived. The only thing we bring to the table in salvation is our sin.
But Jesus has never loved you because of something you offer him. He has never loved you because of your accomplishments. He has never loved you because you fought against sin or spoke the Gospel boldly.
Jesus loves you… because he loves you.
Jesus doesn’t wrinkle his nose and look at you and say, “Well, fine, you can come, too.” Listen: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2)
Did you see that?
Not because he had to. Not because the world was a package deal. Not because it was simply the right thing to do.
“For the joy set before him.”
Jesus looks at you, and he says, “For the joy of having you in my Kingdom, for the joy of you being mine, for the joy of claiming you as my brother, I will endure the cross. I scorn its shame. I sit down at the right hand of my Father. And all this because I want to make you mine. I rejoice to make you mine.”
Do you see? He doesn’t look at his nail-scarred hands and think it a waste because of you. He looks at you and says, “Worth it.” Claiming you is a source of joy for Jesus.
So when your depression whispers deceptions to you, focus on Jesus. For joy he claimed you. For joy, he paid for you. He rejoices to name you his brother, his sister.
Prayer: Sometimes your love hurts, Lord. I know I am not worth it. And still, you reach out your hands in forgiveness and joy. Now, in my depression, keep your joy and hold me tight. Help me see that you have paid for me in joy. Amen.
Image: Chris Powers: Full of Eyes

One Comment
God is using your depression , faith, and insights to encourage me to deal with and share this often minimized subject. The devil must enjoy using false ideas about mental and physical pain to weaken our awareness of God’s loving care.