Hearts & Hands

Bread for Beggars– road tripping for the face to face

We’ve done the interviews (watch them below if you missed them). We’ve asked the questions. We’ve gotten (some) answers, but are probably even more curious now. It’s almost time, finally, for the real deal. We’re anxiously waiting for the Hearts & Hands conference, and next Tuesday we’ll load up (several) vans, Jeeps, and very classy S.U.V.’s (Justin) and head to Minnesota. (But why all the cargo space? Keep reading.)

Below are a few of the many artists who will be presenting at the conference… if only we could get to ALL of their sessions!

Alas… we might miss a few, as we’ll be buzzing around taking video, photos, setting up our own station and COLLECTING ART to share with you!

It’s been our pleasure to promote these artists, and what an incredible response we’ve gotten at Bread for Beggars. Several have generously lent their artwork for us to display at our next conference as well. (How many Jason Jaspersen sculptures can we reasonably pack into a van?) We’re seriously excited to share their work with you, our followers, as well as much of the conference content for those that can’t make it. Stay posted, we’ll be sure to post updates on all of our social media platforms as the conference proceeds.

Jason Jaspersen – The Artist’s Tribe

Jason Jaspersen has been producing a diverse portfolio of art for the past 20 years. His artworks include public sculptures, theological paintings, woodblock prints, Japanese ink paintings, sand animations, and stacks of sketchbooks. He was an art educator at Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School 2001-2018. Jason has recently joined Koiné Worship Media as a full-time artist and will be teaching sculpture at Bethany Lutheran College. Clients include Koiné, Martin Luther College, St. Croix Lutheran High School, Kloria Publishers, Time of Grace Ministries, the WELS National Worship Conference, Kingdom Workers, The Lutheran Ceili Orchestra, Design Fugitives, and Men of His Word. Discover Jason’s fresh perspectives on timeless truths at jjjaspersen.com.

The Interview

View BFB’s recent interview with Jason about his upcoming presentation at the Hearts and Hands workshop, meet his cat, and take a peek inside his art studio.

Corissa Nelson – Thinking Made Visual: Creating Clear Visual Communication

Corissa Nelson is a designer who can’t help approaching ministry with an architect’s perspective by analyzing community and context, vision casting, and communicating ideas visually. She received her Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies and Master of Architecture Degrees from UW-Milwaukee, where she loved teaching a design studio as an adjunct professor. Corissa worked as a designer for firms in Minnesota and also HGA in Milwaukee’s Third Ward. Recently, Corissa has been living the freelance life – combining art and technology to create illustrations for websites and books, logo design for mission churches, and worship art for download. See her work at corissanelsonart.com.

Watch Corissa’s interview with BFB regarding her graphics, illustrations, and logo work, as well as her somewhat surprising response to the question, “which age group is most responsive to your work?”. (Pay no attention to the screen composition, in which Christy takes center stage and Pastor Parsons and Jenny hide off-screen). 🙂

Mike Westendorf – Communication and the Worship Leader: Exploring the Why to Figure Out the How

Since 2007, Mike’s music and ministry has touched the lives of thousands of people through various concerts, worship services and speaking engagement.  With a heart that beats for the spiritual well-being of young adults and a love for the local church and community, Mike’s music echoes the opening passages from Psalm 89 “I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever, with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations”.  Mike’s music and songs are rich with biblical texts that speak to the Gospel hope and an encouragement. Whether as a solo artist or with a full band of talented musicians his concerts are always upbeat, yet contemplative and inspirational with moments of invitation for everyone who comes, to add their own voice to the songs and stories.

As a WELS worship leader, Mike has worked with dozens of churches over the years to present the heart of the story of God’s faithfulness in fresh and meaningful ways.  With a clear focus on the traditional content of Lutheran worship, the songs and services encourage participation as a congregation from start to finish. Mike is part of the Ministry at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Muskego, WI and was recently part of the team that developed a comprehensive sermon series and set of resources to help people of all ages and stations of life to recommit to the strengthening of spiritual, biological and functional Family Churches that ultimately serve as the healthy foundation of the local church.  

Mike has been a professional consulting and on-air meteorologist since 1998, young adult ministry leader since 2007 and a Christian recording artist with 9 albums since 2004.  Mike is also a worship leader and member of the ministry team at St. Paul’s Muskego. From Milwaukee, WI he married his wife Melissa in 1997 and together they have three children. mikewestendorf.com

See the recording studio and learn a bit about the intriguing title to Mike’s breakout session for the Hearts and Hands conference.

Also, a devotion with Mike called, “You are Amazing” to encourage you in your day.

Lydia Metzger – Risking for the Reward: Navigating Life Moves and Your Creative Career

Lydia Metzger is an American violinist and music educator who is currently based in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada. She holds a Bachelor of Music- violin performance from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and in December 2017 graduated with high honors from UW with a Masters degree in violin performance. While in Southern Wisconsin, Lydia taught piano and violin lessons at several schools and performed regularly with area orchestras. She also gave various solo and chamber recitals all across Minnesota and Wisconsin. She moved with her husband Peter Metzger to Alberta in the summer of 2018, where she took Suzuki violin training with Elayne Ras at the Alberta Suzuki Institute. In the Edmonton area, Lydia performs regularly with Symphony Borealis as a first violinist and in various venues around the city. She freelances as a pianist as well. Lydia currently teaches piano and violin group and private lessons at the Visionary Centre of Performing Arts in St. Albert.

Here Lydia gives insight about navigating vulnerability, (and joys) that come with being a creative, and her recent move to Canada.

Zach Gebert – Craft Worship: Organic & Locally Sourced

Zach is on staff at Bethany in Appleton, WI as a pastor overseeing Bethany’s vision, worship, and marketing. Since 2015, he’s been primarily at Bethany’s Lynndale Campus, which is also the host site of Our Shepherd Childcare where he works to build bridges between church and childcare.

For the last 3 years, Zach has been working on crafting a worship experience at Bethany’s Lynndale Campus targeted for a very narrow demographic, unchurched families with children ages 0-5. He’s learned a lot about thinking creatively to engage people with the gospel in a worship experience that’s meaningful and natural to them. His wife, Kerin, is his perpetual sounding board for bad (and every now and then good) ideas. His two daughters, Annora and Evie, keep him up-to-date on the cultural trends and buzzwords of the 0-5 generation.

Watch Zach’s interview here and learn about what all those kids are doing with tambourine’s at the front of church.

Caleb Schmiege – Writing Songs for Worship: Inspiration, Relation, and Communication

Caleb Schmiege is a pastor at Divine Savior Church & Academy in Doral, Florida. At Divine Savior, he teaches religion, leads worship, and serves as lead campus pastor. Caleb lives in Doral with his beautiful, supportive, loving wife, Elise. 

Caleb’s creative energy is often dedicated to worship and music. In his own words, Caleb is interested in fostering worship that “directs people to Christ by communicating clearly, welcoming creativity, and encouraging authenticity.” The biggest way he works toward that goal is by creating new songs for use in worship. Caleb loves to arrange hymns, write new songs, and compose new tunes to existing texts. Caleb has a compulsive instrument-collecting problem. He plays over a dozen instruments and is always looking for another to add to his collection. 

Caleb talks about the benefits of songs that get stuck in your head and the joy of ‘noodling around on the guitar’ instead of watching Netflix all night.

Want more about the music? Here’s a short devotion and song with Caleb.

Paul Trapp – Color, Symbolism, and Interpretation of Visual Art

Paul Trapp is known for his painting of interior and exterior places.  Mainly working in acrylic, he depicts distorted domestic spaces with doors and windows that open up to sea and landscapes.

Being influenced by the Cubists and the San Fransisco Bay Area painters, his work has moments of visual distortion that contradict our typical perception of reality. He does this to show that the mundane and ordinary are not what they appear to be, because our experience of them can be unique, magical, and filled with wonder.  

Paul earned his MFA in painting from Illinois State University in 2011. He currently resides in Portland, Oregon with his wife, son, and a Guide Dogs for the Blind puppy in training. paulsilastrapp.com

View Paul’s interview and learn how he finds time to sleep here.

The 2019 Hearts & Hands Workshop will be held at St. Croix Lutheran Academy in West St. Paul, MN from June 18-20.

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