Blogs,  Brandon Steenbock,  Kingdom Stories

Kingdom Stories–In the Garden

Jesus, may I walk with you just a while and listen? Let me come with you into the garden, and stand by your side in that mysterious moment. I want to understand what happened between you and your Father that night.

“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” Jesus, I’m afraid to ask what could cause you such sorrow. Not because I don’t know, but because I think I do.

I do.

I don’t think I understand your Father’s wrath over sin most of the time. I think if I did, I would be a lot more conscious of my sin, and a lot more eager to avoid it. The fact is, I spend more time minimizing the things I’ve done than contemplating the weight of what I’ve done.

But when I see you kneeling there, begging your Father for another way, begging him not to pour his wrath out on you… Could the Father’s wrath be so great that even the Son of God fears to take it? What does that mean for me?

Then I hear you say those words, “Not my will but your will be done.”

I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t say that. I wouldn’t say that.

But you did.

I can’t really comprehend that kind of love. Knowing that you, with all your power and might and glory still feared what was to come, I have to realize that your Father’s wrath over sin is infinitely more than I could hope to handle.

And yet, you were willing to take it. Out of love for me. Out of love for your Father.

Jesus, let me kneel here in the garden with you just a moment. Not to try and come beside you. That’s not my place. But just to be near you and hear and feel your love. Your courage. Your strength.

Let me just watch and pray with you a little while.

Brandon serves as Young Adult Minister at St. Mark Lutheran Church, De Pere/Green Bay, WI. He's married to Nikki, and together they have two sons. Passions include talking about Jesus, literature, and coffee.

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