Captain Marvel and Memory Loss
Loved ones (and their caretakers) suffering Alzheimer’s and Dementia can feel abandoned, hopeless, worthless, angry, afraid, or guilty.
You may be one of many people who take preventative measures to stave off the frightening condition–fish oil isn’t consumed because it tastes good. Or you might be one of over 16 million Americans who care for a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Numerous studies regarding the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease have been conducted, and there are Christian resources for helping those who unfortunately do suffer Alzheimer’s or Dementia.
Special Ministries covers many areas including Mental Health, various Special Needs, and ministries to Senior Citizens. Many Senior Citizens either deal with memory loss themselves or they care for someone who is dealing with memory loss.
In my Captain Marvel video review last week I mentioned the character’s struggle with memory loss. The event that gave her powers also damaged her brain in such a way that she can’t remember who she was.

Just like the real-life struggles that are
The movie’s outcome is (at least in this life), better than what we usually see for people suffering from memory loss. Captain Marvel is able to discover more about her past and regain some of her memories. She discovers that she has been deceived by people who she thought she could trust and defeats the villains. We expect to see these kinds of positive results in a Hollywood Superhero movie.
Loved ones (and their caretakers) suffering Alzheimer’s and Dementia can feel abandoned, hopeless, worthless, angry, afraid, or guilty. The conditions get worse until people are called home to heaven.
When we feel guilty about our lust, anger, jealousy, or the hurt that we caused others, it would help our guilty consciences if we could forget those sins forever. Or the sins against us. What if you could truly, “forgive and forget“? Instead, we tend to hold on to those memories of how someone hurt us– our sinful nature wants to get revenge.
Even when there is no cure and we feel frustrated or angry, we have a God who is powerful to help us. He may not give us exactly the help that we want. It might not be on our time schedule. But his power is taking care of us.
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
Even when
I will forgive their iniquity and never again remember their sin
Jeremiah 31:34
That is the kind of memory loss that we are excited about. The fact that God forgets our sins helps us to live for him. His great love overlooks our terrible sins. That is the greatest comfort we have when we deal with the problems of this life.
When we deal with the terrible suffering, the dreadful diseases, and the frustrating conditions of this world, we know that we have a loving God who has forgiven us and will take us to be with him in heaven one day. God’s power has defeated our enemies.
Thanks for reading! I have one more topic next week inspired by the Captain Marvel movie and in the near future I will have video reviews for new theatrical releases and home video releases.