Music,  O Antiphons

O Antiphons: Day 2–O Adonai


A voice from the flames of a burning bush declared to Moses that he stood on holy ground and that the one who spoke to him was I AM. Out of the thunderheads rolling above Mt. Sinai, a voice like a storm itself declared God’s righteous Law to his people. From a feeding trough in a stable in Bethlehem came the cry of an infant’s voice, the same voice that had thundered from Sinai, the same voice that had spoken out of the flames, the same voice that had called all creation into existence.

The LORD. The righteousness of his name was too great for his people Israel. Instead of Yahweh – or Jehovah, or however it was pronounced – they called him “Adonai” – Master. Lord.

Is it any wonder that his was a name to be feared? Every God-fearing Jew had been taught how the LORD had made the heavens and the earth. How he had brought the Great Flood in judgment. How he had made a nation from an old man and his barren wife. How he had delivered Israel from Egypt with devastating plagues. How he had parted the sea, toppled the walls of Jericho, made the sun stand still in the sky, and so many other mighty deeds.

Yet, for all their fear of his name, their reverence for his greatness, Israel often lost sight of the one they called Lord. They followed other masters, turned to idols, and indulged the cravings of their sinful flesh. Their shallow devotion had earned them the same judgments the Lord had brought on their enemies. He had saved them from others. But who would save them from themselves?

Who else? Adonai. Their Lord. And he would do it in the most surprising way imaginable. He would come in humility, poverty, and meekness. He would lay his life down as the ransom for sin.


Make no mistake, though. These were mighty deeds. To be under the Law that so terrified the people at Sinai, yet to uphold it with righteousness, was a feat only the Almighty Lord could accomplish. To crush the head of the Ancient Serpent who had brought ruin to all of mankind would require a heel heavier than that of any man. To carry the weight of Israel’s sin and endure the wrath of God was a punishment too great for a mere mortal. To beat Death at his own game would take none other than the author of all life.

Jesus is also my Adonai. My Lord. My Master. But like Israel, I lose sight of him. I follow other masters. I turn to idols. I indulge the cravings of my sinful flesh. My devotion is no deeper than the people of Israel, and I deserve the same judgment. Yet, my Lord has rescued me just as surely as he rescued Israel. He has upheld the righteous Law in my place. He has taken the punishment of my sin. He has set me free from Satan’s chains. He has given me victory over the grave.

Adonai. My Lord. My Master. My Savior. Jesus.

Prayer: O Adonai, giver of the Law and giver of Righteousness, you uphold the Law in my place and bear the punishment of my sin. For your mighty deeds, I want to give you honor and glory forever. Forgive me for my shallow devotion. Make me faithful, and let me boldly declare that your name is great and that you are mighty to save. Amen.


Brandon serves as Young Adult Minister at St. Mark Lutheran Church, De Pere/Green Bay, WI. He's married to Nikki, and together they have two sons. Passions include talking about Jesus, literature, and coffee.