Heroes of Faith – Mary
If an angel appeared to us and told us that God was going to use us for a special task, we might be tempted to become proud. We might be tempted to think that there was something great about us which caused us to be chosen for this greatness. We might be tempted to think that we are better than other people because God decided to use us instead of them. Temptations towards pride and arrogance are quite common.
We don’t see these temptations from the virgin Mary when Gabriel came to her to tell her that she would be the mother of the Savior. She was certainly shocked and troubled by the appearance of an angel. She was probably confused that Gabriel said she was “highly favored.” She could have wondered “What is so special about me?” She was certainly confused about Gabriel telling her that she would have a child. She was a virgin. She questioned it not from doubt or lack of faith. Rather she questioned it based on biology. Virgins don’t have children. Gabriel told her that the power of God would cause this miracle.
Mary showed a humble faith in this event. After the announcement of this incredible miracle she replied, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” She gladly served her God by carrying out a special assignment. She was transformed from an ordinary girl into one of the most important women in all of history. She even noted in her song, “From now on all generations will call me blessed.” She was blessed in that she became the mother of God. The miracle of the incarnation is that Jesus Christ, true God from all eternity, became a man and grew in the womb of Mary.
She has been revered throughout history for her role in salvation history. It is not that she did anything to save us. She was not perfect. She was a sinner just like you and me. She needed Jesus death and resurrection just as much as we need his death and resurrection. What I appreciate most about Mary is her reaction to these special situations. She had a relationship with Jesus that is different than everyone else. She was his mother. She was an eye witness to many special events. She was there when the shepherds arrived after the birth of Jesus. She saw there joy and excitement. She was there when Simeon picked up Jesus in his arms at the Temple. She was there when the Wise Men brought their gifts.
I love the reaction that Mary has. Luke 2:19 says, “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” She saw these amazing events and she meditated upon their meaning. She saw the gospel treasure right in front of her. She was able to hold Jesus in her arms. She looked into the eyes of the Savior when he was just a tiny infant. She treasured this salvation.
The lesson I want to learn from Mary is that I too need to treasure all these things and ponder them in my heart. It is so easy to get distracted by everything else in this life. I can lose focus. I can succumb to various temptations. But I can also hold Jesus in my arms. It is not the same as Mary and it certainly doesn’t have the same feel as holding a baby. I am talking about holding my Bible and reading about my Savior. I have the gospel treasure. I can see my forgiveness. I can ponder these wonderful truths just like Mary pondered these wonderful truths. Mary was transformed when God chose her for a special task. Her life changed and she took on a special role in the history of the world. My life was transformed when God created faith in my heart. Because of Jesus I am saved and I want to share that salvation with others.
The hero I picked for Mary is Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel was transformed to become one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe. Captain Marvel’s name is Carol Danvers. She was an ordinary human being before she was transformed. There was a device called the Psyche-Magnitron which exploded and caused her to receive her powers. She was infused with Kree DNA and became the hero Ms. Marvel. Later she takes on the title of Captain Marvel. She has a movie that will be coming to theaters in March of 2019. Some of her origin may be different in the movie but she will still be one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe. Her power will be a great help to the Avengers as they fight Thanos. Even though the virgin Mary doesn’t receive special powers from God, she still became one of the most significant people in all of human history. Captain Marvel is one of the most significant heroes in the Marvel Universe.