More than Superheroes

Heroes of Faith – David

Another of my favorite Bible heroes is the man who struck down Goliath. I loved hearing about how young David was able to defeat the 9-foot-tall Goliath. In fact, the picture below is one from my favorite Bible Story book when I was a child. I looked at the account of David and Goliath so many times in that book that the picture is ingrained in my mind. It was such an incredible feat that this young man David, with no military training, was able to accomplish such an impressive victory. We know that David won because of the Lord’s help, but it is still an amazing event.

Very quickly after that victory, the people praised David. He became a national hero. The people sang, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands” (1 Samuel 18:7). King Saul was jealous because of the praise that David was receiving. David would eventually become the next king and the kingdom of Israel would reach its height during David’s reign. There are many events that happened during David’s life which could be my focus for this post. He had many times that he displayed his faith. He also had times when he sinned. In spite of those sins, he is still a great example of faith. He even wrote many of the Psalms in the Bible.

Even though I could focus on many events from David’s life, I will spend my time on my favorite account. As I have grown in appreciation of this account, I have focused on David’s faith. When I was younger I really loved the aspects that had to do with the battle. I loved how David was the only one who was willing to stand up to Goliath. Then King Saul had him try on the king’s armor. Saul was a large man and the armor didn’t fit David. He wasn’t used to the armor and he couldn’t fight in that armor. David then did something that seems quite odd for such a battle. He got five smooth stones from the river. If you are reading it for the first time, you wonder how he could possibly defeat the giant warrior.

But then, David won! He used a sling to hurl one of the stones at Goliath. The stone struck Goliath in the forehead and killed him. David then picked up Goliath’s large sword and cut off the giant’s head. The Philistines fled after their defeat and the Israelites pursued them. The victory was impressive but I find David’s faith to be more impressive. He didn’t fear the enemy. He was confident that God would be with him and give him the victory. His speech just before he threw the stone shows his faith.

He said, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands” (1 Samuel 17:45-47).

David identified that the battle belonged to the Lord and that the Lord gave Goliath over to David. I really like how David said, “The battle is the Lord’s.” That statement is true concerning so many things. God is in control. God guides history for the good of his people. Even when we don’t understand how God will work for our good, we can trust that he is working for our benefit. We can trust him even when we don’t see the good outcome because he has won the most important battle for us. He sent Jesus to be the champion who would overcome the giant of sin. Through the cross, Jesus won the victory. Because of that victory, we have the ultimate prize – forgiveness and eternal life.

My superhero for David is Captain America. Just like David was the patriotic representative of the people of Israel, Captain America is the patriotic representative of the United States. David is remembered for his faith and Captain America displays faith. In a memorable line from the first Avengers movie, Cap says, “There’s only one God, ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.” On top of all that, both Captain America and David are remembered for throwing something in their battles. David threw that single stone to kill Goliath and Captain America throws his shield. And now I am thinking of David throwing a shield at Goliath.

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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