Arts,  Classical,  How Great Thou Art,  Michael Zarling

The Dead Christ

The Dead Christ
Andrea Mantegna
c. 1480

The Dead Christ (also known as the Lamentation of Christ or the Lamentation over the Dead Christ) is a powerful painting created by Italian Renaissance artist Andrea Mantegna. The artwork was completed in the early 1480s. The Dead Christ portrays the corpse of Jesus laid on a marble slab in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb.

Mantegna brings us very close to the body of Christ. We are in close confines in Joseph’s tomb.

But, we aren’t the only ones in the tomb. John, the disciple whom Jesus loved is next to Jesus. Mary, the mother of the Lord, is there crying. She appears quite old. She is weeping at the brutal death of her dear Son. Behind Mary is Mary Magdalene. On the opposite side of Jesus’ corpse is the jar of ointment used to anoint Jesus’ body for burial a week earlier.

There is great realism in the painting – almost photo quality. Mantegna brilliantly shows all the layers of the linen lying over Jesus’ corpse. He props the hands of Jesus up so that we can see the deep wounds in Jesus’ hands where the nails pierced Him and then were removed. Jesus’ feet also display the jagged, but dried wounds from the nails. Jesus’ head is propped up so that we can see the great anguish on Christ’s face as He breathed His last and gave up His spirit. Joseph, Nicodemus, and the women have washed away the blood that must surely have covered Jesus’ beaten and scourged body.

Mantegna uses a method of art called foreshortening. This method refers to seeing a long object head-on so that it looks compressed. Mantegna uses foreshortening to drastically reduce the size of Jesus’ feet and enlarge the size of Jesus’ body and head. This gives the feeling of proximity to Jesus’ corpse and the close confines of the tomb. Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris discuss foreshortening and the power of this painting in this short video.

Mantegna probably made this painting for his personal funerary chapel. It was found by his sons in his studio after his death and sold to pay debts. The painting is now in the Pinacoteca di Brera of Milan, Italy.

Andrea Mantegna expertly portrays Jesus’ corpse in Joseph’s tomb. So, what happens to the Church if Jesus died and stayed dead? What happens to Christianity if there is still a corpse in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb? What happens to our faith if we do not have a living Savior?

If Christ has not been raised, then we can still be happy. We can still enjoy life, take pride in our work, and find fulfillment in our children. But, we cannot be joyful. Resurrection joy comes from knowing that Jesus Christ is alive and sitting on His throne at God the Father’s right hand in heaven. He is there working all things out for our eternal benefit. Joy comes from knowing that our life, vocation, and children have a greater purpose than this lifetime. Christ died and rose again so that this life is a time of grace to believe in Jesus as our Savior from sin; that our vocation is about finding fulfillment as a sanctified child of God; and that our children are about passing our faith on to them so we will see them in heaven someday.

If Christ has not been raised, then we can still be nice and polite to each other. We can enjoy each other’s company. We can enjoy our spouse’s companionship. But, we can’t really love them. It is impossible to reflect the sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated in laying down His life for the people He loved and then powerfully taking that life back up again. That doesn’t happen if Jesus stayed dead. Without a risen Jesus, love is just a word and not a sacrificial action.

If Christ has not been raised, then we can forgive each other by setting sins aside. However, we are only setting those sins aside until a later time we can throw those sins back into people’s faces to win an argument. Without Christ’s resurrection, we cannot forgive in Jesus’ name and have each other’s sins removed as far as the east is from the west. We will still remember their sins because God still remembers their sins and ours.

If Christ has not been raised from the dead, then we may as well enjoy soccer tournaments, go to the beach, play golf or sleep in on Sunday mornings. There is nothing for you in church because everything that is preached, sung or prayed is a lie (1 Corinthians 15:15). If Christ is still dead, then the words we hear, speak, and sing are fables, delusions, and make-believe morality.

Eat, drink, and be happy for tomorrow you may die and that will be the end of it all. That’s our good news if Christ is not raised from the dead.

If Christ has not been raised from the dead, then we are still in our sins (1 Corinthians 15:17). That’s our worst news.

Then the bloody cross accomplished nothing.

The Ancient Serpent’s head was left untouched.

David’s throne is left empty.

The Lamb of God was a worthless sacrifice.

The cup of God’s wrath is still full.

The Shepherd wasn’t good at all.

The Door to heaven remains closed.

The Light of the World was extinguished.

If Christ has not been raised from the dead, then He did not atone for your sins, so you had better get busy balancing the scales. You have to fix things on your own. You have to make up for your wrongs. You have to make everything right with God. … And, you had better get busy because you don’t know how much time you have left to get it all done.

If Christ has not been raised, then you are going to die (1 Corinthians 15:18,19). Cancer, a car accident, a heart attack, a stray bullet, a comet – something is going to kill you. But, that death won’t be the end. It will only be the beginning. For your death will be the start of weeping and gnashing of teeth, of unquenchable fire and eternal torments.

But, Christ has indeed been raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20)! The corpse that Mantegna so expertly painted is no longer dead. The stone has been rolled away. The tomb is empty.

Despite critics, doubters and archeological shenanigans, the Gospels accurately report what really happened that first Easter Sunday morning.

The women went to the tomb loaded down with spices to properly prepare Jesus’ body for burial. On the way, they wondered who would roll the stone away from the door of the sepulcher. Seeing it lying flat on the ground, Mary Magdalene ran ahead, glanced into the tomb, saw that it was empty, and immediately ran back to inform the disciples. In the meantime, the other women entered the tomb and were told by the angel that Jesus was not there because He had risen. They were then instructed to tell Jesus’ disciples, especially Peter.

As the women were going to find the disciples, Mary Magdalene was returning to the tomb with Peter and John. Peter and John ran ahead. After examining the empty tomb and the linen burial cloths lying there, they returned to the locked room where the disciples were hiding. Mary Magdalene continued to the tomb, where she conversed with the two angels and then with the risen Lord Himself.

Sometime later in the morning, Jesus appeared to Peter, who certainly needed the personal visit. Later in the afternoon, Jesus walked and talked with two disciples on the way to Emmaus. In the evening, Jesus appeared inside the locked room to present Himself to the rest of the disciples, except Thomas, who was missing.

Jesus really did rise from the dead. His corpse was alive. The sealed, guarded grave was emptied. Eyewitnesses saw the risen Christ, heard Him, touched Him, ate with Him, and they testified to this resurrection truth against hostile cross-examination. There is no longer a corpse in Joseph’s tomb.

Christ is risen! You can be filled with joy. Everything that you do and accomplish in this life is to the glory of the ever-living Lord.

Christ is risen! You can love your spouse, your children, and others with a love that only Christ can give you. There is no greater love than that you are willing to lay down your life for others. Christ did that for you. You don’t need to be afraid of dying because Christ lives, so you will live, too.

Christ is risen! You are able to forgive others. Together you live daily in the forgiveness of Christ. This calm and peace that Christ’s forgiveness brings surpasses all comprehension. You are no longer in your sins. Your sins have been nailed to Christ’s cross and buried in His open tomb. They are gone from God’s sight and removed from His memory.

Christ is risen! There is nothing more important than setting aside time each week to thank and praise, to glorify and honor your resurrected Savior. Everything that the Holy Spirit, His prophets and apostles have recorded for us in the Scriptures is absolutely true and beneficial for our Christian faith.

Christ is risen!

The cross is the power of God for our salvation (1 Corinthians 1:18).

The Ancient Serpent’s head is crushed (Genesis 3:15).

Jesus is sitting on David’s throne (Isaiah 9:7).

The Lamb of God has taken away the sins of the world (John 1:29).

The Son drank every drop from the cup of His Father’s wrath (Matthew 26:39).

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep (John 10:11).

The Door to heaven has been opened to us (John 10:7).

The Light of the World shines brightly in this present darkness (John 8:12).

Christ is risen! This means that Jesus finished His Father’s work and your life has worth. Because He was forsaken, you will never be alone. Because He was buried, you will be raised. Because He lives, you don’t have to be afraid of dying. Because He has reached down to you, you don’t have to work your way up to Him. Because His promises are always true, you can have hope. Because He rose from the dead, Death has been swallowed up in victory.

Christ dying on a cross, His corpse lying for three days in the tomb, and Him powerfully taking that life back up again means that it is impossible to prevent Jesus from doing whatever He wants to do. A sealed and guarded tomb couldn’t keep Him in one place. Neither can your sins or mine.

Christ is risen! His death is Death’s demise.

Christ is risen! Your faith is not in vain.

Christ is risen! The grave has lost its sting.

Christ is risen! The demons cower in fear, their reign of darkness is ended.

Christ is risen! Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we live!

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

For the first 8 years of my ministry, I served at Faith Lutheran Church, an exploratory congregation in Radcliff, KY. I presently serve at Epiphany Lutheran Church and Wisconsin Lutheran School (WLS) in Racine, WI. I am also very involved with our youth as the WLS head soccer coach and the head counselor for WELS Training Camp, a youth camp for 3rd – 9th graders. I have been married to Shelley for 20 years. Together we have 4 beautiful daughters – Abigail, Miriam, Lydia and Gabrielle. We also have 2 dogs – Messi and Mia – named after Lionel Messi and Mia Hamm (the Zarling family really likes soccer!)

One Comment

  • Rosa Hemer

    A greater love there is none like it as to how much Jesus loved us. Thank you Pastor zarling for your love to us

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