More than Superheroes

Rogue One: Sacrifice for the Cause

You might be wondering why I, the More than Superheroes author, am writing about a Science Fiction movie. And, if I am going to focus on the Star Wars Universe, shouldn’t I focus on the Jedi? After all, the Jedi have similarities to many comic book Superheroes. The Jedi have special powers. But I am not going to be talking about the Jedi. I am going to focus on the heroes from the recent Rogue One movie. Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, K-2SO, and a few others are the heroes in Rogue One. To me, they are superheroes. I say this not because they have powers, they don’t. I classify them as superheroes because of what they are willing to do for the greater good.

There are many superheroes that do not have superpowers. Batman, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Green Arrow are a few that come to mind. Even though these heroes can construct tools which give them powers, they all start as just human beings. Their abilities start with their hearts and minds. When the villains attack, all these heroes step up to the plate and use their ingenuity to win the victory. In Star Wars, we see something similar with the Rogues. When I was growing up, I was intrigued by the heroes of Rogue Squadron. They are first mentioned in The Empire Strikes Back. They are a group of Rebel pilots who constantly risk their lives in their attempts to defeat the Empire.

Again, I would call them superheroes because of their willingness to risk everything in order to take down the Empire. They don’t have the powers of the Jedi. They are just normal people (and other alien species). I have not heard this connection made anywhere yet, but it seems likely that Rogue Squadron was inspired by the ragtag team that we see in Rogue One. Both groups using the word Rogue would seem to be a strong indication that my theory is accurate. We also see the team in Rogue One doing exactly what Rogue Squadron always does. They put their lives on the line to help the Rebel Alliance.

In Rogue One, Jyn Erso convinces the team to carry out a dangerous mission. They travel to the planet Scarif so that they can steal the plans for the Death Star. If they are able to obtain the plans, the Rebels should be able to find the weakness in the space station and then destroy it. The problem is that the Imperial Garrison on Scarif is very well fortified. As they are carrying out their mission, the battle is raging on many fronts. The Imperial troopers overwhelm the Rebel forces. Everyone from Jyn’s team perishes in their efforts. The plans are transmitted to the Rebel Fleet but they barely escape with the plans. Darth Vader viciously cuts down many Rebel troopers and almost retrieved the plans before Princess Leia escaped with them.

These soldiers in Rogue One are all willing to sacrifice their lives for their goal. They gave up their lives so that the evil Empire could one day be defeated. They perished before the ultimate victory was achieved. And yet they were willing to do so because they believed that defeating the Empire was a noble cause. When I think about my Christian life, I wonder, am I as willing to give up my life for Jesus as those Rogues were willing to give up their life for victory? So often we are not that willing. We love to be comfortable in this life. We like to cling to our possessions and our comfy lives. We don’t like to take risks. We are afraid of ridicule or persecution. If we have trouble with that, it will certainly be much more difficult to give up our life for the sake of Jesus.

In our spiritual war we have an enemy that is far more oppressive than the Empire in Rogue One. The devil is looking to take us to hell for all eternity. Our own sinful nature fights against us every day and tries to lead us toward destruction. We can’t do anything to save ourselves. Even if we sacrificed our lives, that would not save us. We need the one who can defeat our oppressor. Isaiah 9:4 says, “You have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.” We know that our victorious champion is Jesus.

Think about Jesus. He laid down his life for us. He died on the cross so that we could be saved from all of our sins. His sacrifice accomplished eternal victory. The Rogues sacrificed their lives for a temporal victory. Their sacrifice could only establish galactic peace and that would only be guaranteed for a limited time. The sacrifice of Jesus gives eternal peace. His sacrifice wins victory over the ultimate evil. He has defeated sin, death, and the devil for all time. That victory is complete. His victory gives us the best kind of hope. Because of his victory, we have the hope of heaven. This hope of heaven is sure and certain.

Because that forgiveness and eternal life have been won for us, we are motivated to serve our God. We are willing to give up our connections to this world. We are willing to give our lives in service to our Lord. He doesn’t usually ask his people to put our lives on the line in our service to him. But if that would happen, we can be willing to do that because we know that heaven is our home. This world is only temporary. Heaven is eternal. Our victory is much more important than peace in this world. We have eternal peace in the life to come. Because Jesus sacrificed himself for the greatest cause, we can give our lives in service to him.

Rogue Squadron History

Rogue Squadron is first mentioned in the movies as a Snowspeeder Squadron in The Empire Strikes Back. Since that time there have been many stories told about these pilots. The stories mainly take place during the years right after Return of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles originally started the Squadron in between Episodes 4 and 5. After Return of the Jedi, Wedge took over as the commanding officer. There are many comic books and novels which chronicle the adventures of Rogue Squadron.

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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