The Flash: Things You Can’t Outrun
The Flash has many superpowers that come about as a result of his speed. He continually discovers new abilities. At one point, he breaks his arm because he ran into an object while using his speed. This leads him to discover that he is able to heal very quickly. His entire body is operating at superspeed. His natural healing ability is accelerated so much that his arm is healed in just a few hours. He also discovers that he is able to vibrate his body at such a fast rate that he can pass through solid objects. In a comic I read, he points out that he shouldn’t drink coffee. One time when he tried it, it accelerated his heart rate so much that he started vibrating and passed right through the floor beneath him. At other times he is able to run fast enough to break the sound barrier. With help from technology he is also able to run through time and even run into other dimensions. (In a future post I will talk about time travel and the multiverse.) I also read a comic in which he started to think at superspeed. This gave him a precognitive ability to see possibilities before they happen. He only used that power a couple times because it was dangerous.
With all these powers, the Flash can accomplish many things. Barry wants to do as much as he can to help as many people as he can. In the current TV show they talk about how he is a hopeful person. He has hope that everything will work out and he is hopeful that he will be able to help others. Early in the series he had a conversation with Joe West about his desire to save as many as possible. Joe related it to his work as a police detective. Barry felt guilty that he couldn’t save more people. Barry didn’t want people to experience pain, tragedy, or death like he had experienced in his life. Joe pointed out, “For every person you save, there is going to be someone you can’t.” Joe was pointing out that even Barry had limitations. Even though he could do many things as the Flash, he couldn’t do everything. There have even been times that his attempts to save one person have resulted in tragic events for another person.
Aside from the superpowers, I can relate to the idea of wanting to do everything. I too want to be able to do everything when it comes to helping others. I want to be able to provide love and support for my family and I want to be able to accomplish great things when it comes to my ministry at my church. I want to share the gospel so well that many people believe the truth. I want my church to be vibrant. I want the church to be full of people every Sunday morning. I want to teach Bible Class so well that everyone who attends grows exponentially in their Biblical knowledge. I want to be able to reach out to the community so well that our new member class is full of people and our church membership increases. On top of that I want to be an amazing Dad and Husband who has plenty of time to spend with my daughter and wife. And I want to be able to get done with every project that needs to get done at home.
Just in case you thought I was able to do all those things and succeed, I admit that there are plenty of times that I don’t do all those tasks well. I do feel guilty when I am not able to give my best effort to my ministry. I feel guilty when I don’t find enough time in the day and I am unable to give my best effort on sermon preparation, Bible class preparation, or those outreach efforts that I know I need to get done. Even though I know it is not entirely related to me, I do feel bad when attendance is low at worship and Bible Study. I feel bad when we haven’t had any new members in a while. Ultimately many of these statistics are related to the Holy Spirit and his work in the hearts of people. I am not 100% responsible. But it can still be tough as the pastor to see what seem to be negative results. Then on top of that, it can be difficult to not be able to give 100% to my wife and daughter. I understand why the Flash feels guilty. There is a desire inside of me that wants to be able to accomplish everything. I want to do everything exceedingly well.
Part of the problem is that I have limitations. As much as I would like it not to be the case, I have a limited amount of skill, intelligence, money, and the list can go on. This is the case for all of us as human beings. We like to imagine what it would be like to not have limitations. We would be able to accomplish some incredible tasks. That must be what it would be like to be a superhero. Superheroes like the Flash don’t have the same limitations that the rest of us have. They are able to save many people and help many people and accomplish many of the things they set out to do. That could be why the superhero genre is so popular. We can take a break from our regular lives and imagine what it would be like to be able to do more. We can sit down with a comic book, TV show, or movie and watch someone else who is able to do more than we can do. Even though the Flash laments not being able to do more, he still has many more abilities than we will ever have.
There was a person in history who did not have limitations. That person was Jesus. The reason that Jesus did not have limitations was because he is true God from all eternity. Jesus is true God and true man, born of the virgin Mary. We see his lack of limitations when it came to those miracles he performed – walking on water, healing the sick and demon possessed, raising the dead, etc. Even more significant than the miracles, he accomplished everything necessary for our salvation. He lived the perfect life. He died on the cross. He rose from the dead. Through faith in him, I have forgiveness and eternal life. That is incredible good news which takes away my guilt and gives me renewed strength to continue serving him. Through his power I am able to work faithfully at all the tasks that he has given me.
There is another factor about Jesus that gives me comfort when I feel guilty about not being able to accomplish more in my life. Even though Jesus was perfect, he didn’t accomplish everything that he wanted to do. In the gospel of Matthew he said this, ““O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing” (Matthew 23:37). Jesus couldn’t save everyone. It wasn’t that he didn’t do enough. His perfect life and innocent death truly did pay the price for all sins. Jesus really does want all people to be saved. The problem is that some people reject Jesus. That is one terrible ability that our sinful heart is able to carry out. There is much that could be said about that. But for now, I want to focus on this: If my perfect Savior couldn’t convert everyone, then there is no way I can do that either.
I still live my Christian life faithfully. I still share God’s Word with as many people as possible. I still work diligently as a pastor, husband, and father. But I need to remember that the Holy Spirit is the one who ultimately works faith in people’s hearts. Because of his work many will believe. And yet, because of sinful hearts, many will reject the truth. This helps me feel better about all the tasks that need to get done. Since I have human limitations, it is going to be difficult and stressful to carry out my many responsibilities. There will be triumphs and failures. I do what I am able to do and I trust that God will accomplish his purposes. Sure it would be nice to have some of my limitations removed. It would be fantastic to have superspeed like the Flash. Rather than hoping for powers, I put my trust in my Savior who doesn’t have limitations. Because he earned forgiveness and eternal life for me and all believers, I am strengthened and renewed to serve my Lord.
Flash History
Move Forward was the start of Flash comics after the events of Flashpoint. I plan to mention Flashpoint more in my next post. Right now I will simply mention that after Flashpoint, the DC Universe experienced large changes. The era of DC comics known as “The New 52” began. Flashpoint was part of the catalyst that brought this about. Move Forward jumps into the life of Barry Allen. It is an opportunity for new readers to experience the Flash without necessarily needing to know a lot of comic history. As a fan of the new TV Show I am enjoying reading through the New 52 Flash comics because I can see similarities and differences with the show. I am also thinking something that many fans of the show are realizing: strange things happen when Barry messes with the timeline.