Brandon Steenbock,  Devotions,  Uncategorized

Jesus – The Humble Lord

Luke 2:12 – This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”


God never does exactly what we would expect. He’s like the author of the best book you’ve ever read – just when you think you know where the plot is going, and you think perhaps it will be just a little bit boring because it’s too predictable, there’s a plot twist. The thing you least expected is exactly what happens.

How would you expect God to show up when coming into the world? Who would expect him to show up in a small and sleepy town, born in a barn to a young girl, with only shepherds to give him glory? Wouldn’t we rather expect him to be born in a palace, with a queen for a mother and nobles to welcome him?

But God never does exactly what we would expect. We would expect that as he grew up, God-made-flesh would be served hand and foot, would have the finest of comforts, would have all the most important people in the world visiting him and looking for his help. We would expect that he would have the best education and the best clothes and that he would set up a kingdom for all to see.

But God never does exactly what we would expect. We would expect that when people challenged his wisdom or authority, that he would have them punished, executed, or at least publicly shamed. We would expect that if any challenged his rule, they would be destroyed. We would expect that if anyone threatened his life, he would bring vengeance on them.

But God never does exactly what we would expect. Jesus was born humble, to poor parents, in a stable. Poor shepherds came to welcome him. He was raised by a carpenter in a small village. He served others willingly and joyfully. His ministry was constantly challenged by the religious authorities, and while he used his words to put them in their place, he allowed them to continue their opposition of him, even to the point of putting him to death.

We wouldn’t expect that God-made-flesh would personally pay the price for the sins of everyone. But that’s what he did. Our humble Lord Jesus gave up his glory, took our place, died our death, all so that he could give us his life. So that we could have what none of us would have expected from God – the free gift of life eternal.

At Christmas, we celebrate the most unexpected gift imaginable – God himself, given to us as a baby, to give us eternal life.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for giving us what none of us could have ever expected. Thank you for giving us yourself. Amen.

Brandon serves as Young Adult Minister at St. Mark Lutheran Church, De Pere/Green Bay, WI. He's married to Nikki, and together they have two sons. Passions include talking about Jesus, literature, and coffee.

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