Batman: Controlling the Situation
One of Batman’s greatest talents is his ability to make a plan that can bring down any opponent. He is so thorough in his preparation that he can be in control of any situation. The reason that he strives for this kind of planning goes all the way back to his origin. When his parents were murdered in front of him, he had absolutely no control over the situation. He had to stand by helplessly as a low-life street thug shot his parents. When he made the commitment to become Batman, he set out to be so well prepared that he could defeat any opponent and spare others from the heartache that he experienced.
At the beginning of Batman v. Superman, we see that Bruce Wayne had been in Metropolis during the fight between Superman and General Zod in Man of Steel. He was frustrated with Superman for a few reasons. If Superman was a hero, then he didn’t do a good job of controlling the situation in order to protect the innocent. Many people perished during that fight. Also, Superman means that there are now beings on earth with incredible power. This power is far greater than the ability of Batman. Even with all his tools, weapons, and vehicles, Batman is still a man. How is Batman going to be able to fight against superpowered beings like Superman?
Batman sets out to be as prepared as possible for a fight with Superman. He is able to obtain Kryptonite after spying on Lex Luthor and learning about how Kryptonite weakens Superman. Batman builds a powered suit of armor for the battle. He develops Kryptonite based weapons so that the playing field will be level. This version of Batman is even willing to kill if it means that he will be able to rid the world of the possible menace which Superman poses. While this willingness to kill goes against the incarnation of Batman from The Dark Knight, it does fit with the Film Universe we see unfolding in Man of Steel and Batman v. Superman. Because of Batman’s willingness to do whatever it takes to control the situation, he has the possibility of defeating any opponent.
Batman’s preparation and tactics make me think about human nature. Quite often, human beings like to be in control of their destiny. We want to know what is coming down the road and we want to be prepared for the possibilities. We get upset when things are out of our control and there is nothing we can do about it. Bruce Wayne felt like things were out of his control when Metropolis was being attacked. He certainly had no control when his parents were murdered. We have similar situations that we cannot control. If we were attacked at gunpoint like Bruce we would certainly feel helpless but that situation is unusual. More likely, we feel helpless when situations like this come up, we lose a job or someone near to us is afflicted with cancer. Perhaps our employer went out of business and there was nothing we could do to prevent it. Think about how terrifying it can be to hear that your loved one has cancer. What can you do? Not much. You have to rely on others for solutions.
Then think about the greatest problem that afflicts all of us. We all are fighting against sin. The devil, the world and our sinful nature are trying to get us to sin every day. These spiritual enemies are difficult to fight. In some ways it would be easier to fight this battle if it was like a criminal trying to rob us at gunpoint. With that opponent we can do things to protect ourselves. Perhaps we stay away from certain parts of towns. Perhaps we take classes in self-defense or get something like Pepper Spray or a Taser Gun to defend ourselves. Or maybe we are so concerned about defending ourselves and others that we pursue a carrier in law enforcement. These are all steps we can take to fight against crime. But like I said, the spiritual fight is different.
We can try as hard as we are able but we still cannot defeat our spiritual enemies. Even if we try to do all kinds of good deeds to make up for our sins, that still will not work. It will not defeat the devil. It will not give us forgiveness for our sins. Perhaps we have fallen into sin many times before and we make plans to try to prevent ourselves from sinning again. We avoid locations and friends that will tempt us. We devote our time to reading spiritual materials. But then we still fall into temptation. We sin in thought, word, and deed. We need help. We can’t control the situation. We can’t defeat temptation and sin.
We need God to take care of it. Whether it is problems like cancer or temptations to sin, we need God. I love what he tells us in Psalm 50:15, “Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” God is there for us. He is in control of the situation even when we are not. He can use all things for our good. He can help us with problems and diseases. He can help us with our sin. In fact, he already has by sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. Jesus has forgiven us. Jesus has earned us eternal life. This is our ultimate deliverance from all our troubles. We honor the one who will take us home to heaven.
In Batman v. Superman, Batman is able to control the situation so that he can gain the upper hand against any opponent. This works in his kinds of battles. When we face spiritual battles, we need God to deliver us. We come to him and ask for his help. We pray to our God and he delivers us. He shows us the greatest comfort through the gospel message. Jesus carried out the ultimate plan by defeating Satan through the cross. Jesus controlled that situation so that we could have forgiveness and eternal life. Now God will fulfill his gracious plan by leading his people home to heaven.
Batman History
The Justice League Tower of Babel Story from 2000 shows that Batman can make plans for any and every situation. Batman has created a plan to incapacitate every member of the Justice League. He created those plans as a contingency measure just in case the heroes ever turn evil. Batman knows how to defeat the entire League. Unfortunately, one of Batman’s villains steals those plans and implements them against the Justice League. In the end, the Justice League is very upset that he ever made those plans. But it does show that Batman is outstanding at tactically controlling any situation.