I Know That My Redeemer Lives
“I KNOW that my Redeemer lives!”
Job first spoke these words at a time of great sorrow and loss – yet he had no doubt that he had a living Redeemer.
It wasn’t:
“I THINK that my Redeemer lives . . . ”
“I HOPE that my Redeemer lives . . . ”
“It SEEMS TO ME that he could possibly be alive . . . ”
“Isn’t it REASONABLE to suppose that he lives?”
“The best of Biblical scholarship, and the multitude of witnesses, and what we know about the lives of the apostles after the fact – all these point to the reasonable conclusion that Jesus is alive.”
“I know that my Redeemer lives” – because vague generalizations, pious platitudes, wishful, nebulous thoughts are not enough for me when I stand face-to-face with death.
I want to be sure.
We need to be sure.
By the grace of God, we also – without any hesitation or doubt – can join good ol’ Job in saying “I KNOW that my Redeemer lives!”
This living Redeemer is our hope in life and in death.
His help does not forsake us.
Even in the grave we need not despair.
The empty tomb of Jesus Christ proves that our living Redeemer’s words are trustworthy and true: “He that believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives & believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25) Jesus rose from the dead, guaranteeing your forgiveness; and our living Redeemer will soon return to take us to heaven.